New Bill Introduced by Michigan Lawmakers Limiting the Use of Cellphones in schools
Michigan Lawmakers

Aiming to minimize distraction in schools, Michigan lawmakers are introducing new legislation that makes it mandatory for the students for not using the cellphones in the working hours. 

Rep. Mark Tisdel on Wednesday introduced House Bill 5921 would initiate the districts to implement the policy limiting cell phone use in the schools. 

Essexville-Hampton Public Schools stepping up in April and other Mid-Michigan districts  introduced similar policies in the past few years. 

Superintendent Dr. Justin Ralston stated that “There was some questions and some concerns when the policy was first getting implemented and I ended up meeting with [students] just shortly after the implementation. The first comment that a student made was ‘I can’t believe how loud the cafeteria is because people are actually having conversations.” 

In their ‘Away for the Day’ policy the students of Essexville-Hampton, middle school cannot use their cell phones during the school hours. The phones are turned off  and stored in the lockers. 

He further said “Really to date I have only received emails and phone calls from parents about this policy that have been positive.” 

The proposed legislation is slightly tougher. The plan would treat middle school pupils similarly to those at Essexville’s Cramer Middle School. However, primary school students would be denied access to communication devices, and high school students would be barred from using them during instructional time, which is not the situation in Essexville. 

Nationally, instructors support some type of cell phone regulation. The NEA reports that 90% support a ban during educational periods and 83% support prohibiting them throughout the school day.

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