Poudre School District Board (PSD) Considers Proposal for $50M New School

Poudre School District Board
Citation: Image used for information purpose only. Picture Credit: https://www.psdschools.org

Three weeks after halting a process that could have led to the closure of up to five neighborhood schools due to budget concerns and low enrollment, the Poudre School District Board of Education considered a proposal Tuesday night to build a new $50 million school for Poudre Community Academy, an alternative high school for grades 8-12.

Assistant Superintendent Julie Chaplain suggested that the new facility could also house an expanded career and technical education (CTE) center. This center would offer new programs in culinary arts, cosmetology, automotive technology, medical assistants, and cybersecurity. She noted that three nearby school districts—Thompson, Greeley-Evans, and St. Vrain—have successfully combined alternative high schools with CTE centers, providing models for Poudre School District (PSD).

The current facility of Poudre Community Academy at 2540 Laporte Ave. requires significant and urgent maintenance, including a new roof, major plumbing overhaul, and additional restroom facilities. Chaplain stated that the cost of these repairs could be more prohibitive than relocating the school or building a new one.

During the nearly six-hour meeting, followed by an executive session, no decisions were made. While school board members generally supported the idea of constructing a new school for PCA, several raised concerns about its feasibility given the district’s financial constraints. They requested additional information on the two options presented, to be reviewed and discussed at their August 18 meeting.

Chaplain clarified that the $50 million estimate covered the alternative high school’s academic, athletic, and support services, but did not include the cost of land or the facilities for the new CTE programs.

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