Promoting a Culture of Wellness in Classroom for better Educational Outcomes

Educational Outcomes
Educational Outcomes

We all know that maintaining wellness is very important for leading a healthy and prosperous life. This practice should be inculcated among students right from an early age, not only at home, but in their classrooms as well. Children spend a significant amount of time in schools, mostly six days a week. Here, they get the opportunity to explore different horizons, learn new things, interact with each other, make friends, and engage in overall development. What better place could be there to teach them not only academics, but also, essential life skills, which would help them to thrive and succeed in life? These skills will also help to transform into better human beings, develop community involvement, and foster a sense of communication and belonging.

Teachers and responsible authorities of schools can implement various strategies to maintain a culture of wellness in the classroom. Students should be given the opportunity to voice their opinion and explore various innovative ways through which they enhance the teaching–learning process. This will make them realize that their opinions matter in the classroom. As a result, they will feel motivated and participate actively to bring innovation in the education system. Teachers can sometimes deviate from traditional teaching procedures, while introducing interesting and educative activities, which would not only entertain the students, but also educate them at the same time.

Carry out Activities that Nurture Relationships and Inculcate Positive Attitude

Teachers can plan and organize various activities in the classroom, which will nurture their creative side and maintain a positive attitude among them. Fundraising for various events is an innovative means, which promotes brainstorming, execution, and selflessness. It provides important lessons in community activism, and the success of the initiative is a reward on its own.    

Teachers and staff should strongly believe in the saying ‘be the change you want to see in the world’. They can lead by example, and maintain healthy behaviors, relationships, and positive interactions. This will encourage the students to emulate the same values, which will be beneficial for them in many ways.

Creating an Environment of Learning, Cooperation, and Understanding

Every classroom consists of a diverse set of individuals, who have their unique ideas and opinions. Teachers should recognize the hidden talents of individuals and provide them the platform to hone their skills and explore their potential. Each individual is different from the other; they should be given the opportunity to interact with each other and learn new things. This will be beneficial for them not only during their academic life, but also prepare them to overcome challenges throughout their professional life.       

Transforming Learning into an Everlasting Experience

An ideal classroom environment is not only about conducting good lectures and maintaining standard assessment procedures. Teachers should make sure that each lesson is crafted to spark creativity and curiosity among the students. Maintaining wellness in classroom is all about igniting the desire to seek knowledge and creating an environment of lifelong learning.

Creating a sense of belongingness among the students is the key behind an effective and interactive classroom. Teachers should make sure that the students feel like being part of a family while being in the classroom. Paying attention to students’ needs, listening and valuing their views can prove to be effective. It is of utmost importance to provide students every type of support they need to excel in their studies. Authorities should pay attention to details regarding what types of problem students are facing. They should have proper discussion with the students and come up with proper solutions.

Enhancing Learning through Meaningful Connections

For any individual, contributing towards something greater brings a sense of attainment and changes perspectives about things. It also nurtures brotherhood and promotes compassion on a grander scale. Teachers can conduct fun and creative group activities, which provides scope for teamwork, engagement, curiosity, and strengthens deeper social relationships.

Wellness is not only confined to the classroom or home. It is an endless process, which involves adopting a positive attitude, following positive policies and practices, surrounding oneself with positive people and places, and forming positive partnerships with people surrounding them. It is a lifelong practice of positivity, which does not require any time to start. It is never too early or late to engage in wellness activities; one can carry them out as per the requirement.

— Ananda Kamal Das

