R.C. Patel Institute of Technology: A Name that Stands for Excellence

R.C. Patel Institute of Technology

The College aims to impart Technical Education to foster a Scientific Temper and an aptitude for Research, along with the promotion of Respect and Responsibility towards the society.

An Award-Winning Nucleus of Technical Education

Founded in 2001, with an objective to establish a truly world class institute in the rural areas, where students from every sort of background would be benefitted from the facilities that matched global standards, R.C. Patel Institute of Technology (RCPIT) was conceived by Hon. Shri Amrishbhai R. Patel, the Former Cabinet Minister for School Education, Sports and Youth Welfare for Maharashtra State. It was set up as part of one of the self-powered projects of Shirpur Education Society in 2001. Spread over 21.6 acres of lush green land, every detail of RCPIT has been implemented at par with global standards in accordance with the norms of AICTE, New Delhi. RCPIT presently offers courses across various disciplines that are oriented to modern industrial needs. The undergraduate courses offered by the institute are Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Civil Engineering.

RCPIT has been accredited with ‘A’ Grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bangalore and by the North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra. The college has been honored with the 5th Global Engineering Dean Council (GEDC) Airbus Award (US) for spreading Engineering Education Program for tribal and girl students of the adjoining tribal belt. It is acknowledged as the Best College for placement in Western Region by Wipro BPO and is accredited by Tata Consultancy Services, Pune, India. It is also venerated with Gold Ranking by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi and got featured in AICTE-CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) Industry Linkage Survey, 2016. Among many such decorated titles, RCPIT has also been recognized as a Partner Category for Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education program by IIT Madras and Ministry of Human Resource Development, New Delhi. In other words, this institute is truly a force to reckon with in the technical education sector.

Achieving Excellence with Strong Ethical Values

With the purpose of preparing their students for a productive and a successful life after graduation, RCPIT strives hard to prepare them to withstand and accept all the beautiful and grim realities of the modern competitive world. With the current total intake of more than 600 students, the institute persistently focuses on each student to inculcate the twelve graduate attributes. The students are equipped with tangible skills, such as working in a team, critical thinking and nurturing a curiosity about the things they encounter every day. As a part of the curriculum itself, students are encouraged to formulate solutions with the help of critical thinking and problem solving abilities and overcome every oncoming obstacle with every possible perspective.

Students of RCPIT are not just groomed to find jobs and be employed, but they are highly inspired to become successful entrepreneurs. They are primed from the very first day to imbibe an adaptive nature in their character so that they would learn to be flexible according to the situation and alleviate any kind of stress and anxiety. Hence, during the graduation period itself, students begin to take initiatives in entrepreneurship and contribute to the professional world. Students of RCPIT are well renowned for their superior communication skills and always oozing with confidence when under the limelight.

Barring the scholarships from the government, RCPIT also provides scholarships, which amounts to around Rs. 75 lakh. Merit based scholarships are provided every year for top university/college rankers.

An Ideal Platform for a Corporate Career and a Higher Education

Over the years, RCPIT has turned into one of the most sought after technical institutes in the country. The sole credit, however, does not just go to the dedicated and adroit teaching faculties, but also to the faculties of the Training and Placement Department. In the past four years itself, the college has hosted more than 100 companies for recruitment programs and has placed more than 600 students through these campus placements. Students who opt for campus placements are slotted into various activities of the placement cell, such as soft skills development, group discussions, mock interviews, intensive training for clearing general and technical aptitude tests, with the help of experienced and trained resources from both inside and outside the institution.

Along with Entrepreneurship and a corporate career, the students of RCPIT are also encouraged to pursue higher education. This is done through the higher studies forum, under which, the institute conducts various activities like expert lectures, career counseling programs, etc. Students are consistently kept cognizant of the latest developments in the industry and of the visions of various champions of the industry. It regularly conducts interactive sessions with corporate/entrepreneurs/high profile academicians and guest lectures by eminent faculty and other such series of leadership lectures. Around 18-20 co-curricular courses are also conducted for updating a student’s knowledge on latest trends in Industrial Technology. Students are also encouraged to undertake MOOCs from reputed National/ International institutes/ universities.

Basking under the Guidance of a Prolific Virtuoso

Awarded as the ‘Best Principal’ by North Maharashtra University and by Wipro (for West India Region); Conferred as ‘Distinguished Principal’ for the year 2017 at Tech Next India (Organized by IIT, Mumbai & Computer Society of India (CSI)), the Principal and the Head of the Institute at RCPIT, Prof. Dr. Jayantrao B. Patil is a well-known name within the broad Technical Fraternity of the country.

Being the founder Principal and Professor in Computer Engineering since July 2001, Dr. Jayantrao Patil has led the institute to various National and International glories. He is serving in many statutory bodies of the University. He is serving as a Member of Executive Council for the State Technical University, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere.

He has also served as a Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Chairman of Board of Studies (Computer Science and Information Technology), Member of Academic Council and Member Senate for North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon, Maharashtra.

Events that nurture raw talent and overall development

At RCPIT, a student’s efforts in character development do not just stop at entrepreneurship, scholastic achievements and morale development, but it also extends to realizing the significance of social responsibilities. Students are highly inspired to develop projects of social relevance that would benefit the poor and the needy. All these above mentioned activities are customarily conducted in accordance with the academic curriculum and under the able eyes of its experienced faculty members.

RCPIT conducts an Induction Program for the newly admitted students that helps them and their families to get familiarized with the college, curriculum, ethics and its culture.

Equipped with a proper gymkhana, set up and equipments for most of the indoor and outdoor games, RCPIT conducts various Sporting Events throughout the year.

Students can showcase their technical prowess through various Tech Fests like converges that are held annually. On the same note, every student’s inner talents and social affinities are also promoted through various Social Activities.

Finally, RCPIT’s Annual Gathering, which is themed as ‘Reflection’, is one mega event that every faculty, employee and students, keenly look forward to in an academic calendar. This is one platform where everyone proudly proclaims their hidden talent of dancing, singing, acting or any other such talents.

