SAN International Business School: Extending Remarkable Educational Opportunities to Inspire Youth

SAN International Business School - The Knowledge Review

SAN International Business School was established to pursue value-based quality education oriented towards excellence. The institution strives to fulfill this by providing educational opportunities to all aspiring youth to excel in life by developing academic excellence, fostering values, creating civic responsibilities and building global competencies in a dynamic environment.

SAN International Business School has earned a reputation as the college that blends outstanding teaching with unblemished character enveloped career, and secured a firm ground and carved itself a niche in the educational Map of the Coimbatore District. SAN Business School provides outstanding academic support and training to the student and faculty through a varied spectrum of service. The healthy academic environment helps their students to develop intuitive mind, increases their conceptual knowledge, and the ability of acquiring analysis and problem-solving skills. The college incorporates a traditional academic setting with cutting-edge technology. With the refreshing environment, attractive scenery and moderate climate, it provides an appeasing atmosphere which is conducive to effective training and learning programs. The institution strives to fulfill its mission of providing educational opportunities to all aspiring youth to excel in life by developing academic excellence, fostering values, creating civic responsibilities, and building global competencies in a dynamic environment.

Moreover, SAN IBS has the principle mission of educating, developing leaders and builders of enterprises who create value for their stakeholders and society at large. They provide facilities where students can learn from direct experience coupled with reflection; Reflection that builds one’s confidence in the ability to achieve a goal which in turn translates into higher rates of learning.

SAN International Business School comes under Amman Trust, the parent Organization and a pioneer in the educational field for the past 30 years. It funds the entrepreneur cell and the start-up incubator which was started in the year 2016.Their entrepreneur development cell helps their students to get funds for the startup ideas from Angel investors, mostly industrialists from Coimbatore, Erode. Yearly allocation of funds for the Startup incubator is Rs.2,00,000.

Fabulous Amenities of SAN IBS

The institution is delivering excellent provisions, such as; Wi-Fi enabled campus, State of the art classrooms, LCD lab, e-library, General library and Residential facilities. The college has well-designed classrooms with essential teaching aids, such as audio-visual equipment, overhead projector, slide projector and LCD for the use of faculty and students.

SAN International Business School boasts of one of the top rated computing facilities among other ‘B’ schools. The highly distributed computing environment uses cutting-edge computer simulation to solve problems for the industry.

SAN International Business School provides their employers an opportunity to recruit well trained, well groomed, multi-skilled, multilingual student managers, who are adaptive and willing to pursue their profession in any part of the Country. A separate center, with a well – equipped conference training room and separate well – furnished rooms for interviews and counseling, has been set up and a permanent training staff has been appointed to work with the placements on a full-time basis. SAN International Business School’s aim is to encourage the students to hone their skills in an industry that excels in a global marketplace and will always be that way. Career Advisers are available to discuss ideas and plans, and students are encouraged to attend the wide range of talks, information fairs, and recruitment events that are conducted.

Distinctive Offerings to Explore Diverse Opportunities 

The university provides freedom to the students to explore diverse opportunities through various clubs and other extra-curricular activities. SAN IBS has constituted clubs which are entirely managed by their students. The MBA club members including its student President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a few members are elected, by the students. They are independent in their functioning and are helpful in developing the interpersonal relationship, through exposures to various vocational learnings.

SAN IBS hosts Human Resources Club, which is designed to help students learn more about Human Resource and what Human Resource Professionals do. The club promotes active participation of the students. The club activities are organized on a regular basis to promote the team spirit and implement the HR concepts practically.

The essence of Finance club is its analytical approach of learning through application, and the hands-on learning, which gets engrained in the student’s skill set for the lifetime. The club endeavors to harness the talent of SAN IBS in the financial aspects of management, in a composite manner by combining the faculty and the students focus for the mutual benefit of the tripartite synergy (faculty, students and the corporate).

Marketing Club of SAN IBS is a platform where students get an opportunity to blend marketing theories with real-time application. It also keeps the student fraternity abreast of the latest happenings in the arena of Marketing and Branding. Marketing Club keeps on organizing Quizzes, Guest Lectures, National Seminar, inter and intra-college competitions.

Information Technology (IT) is not an island, entire of itself. It rather is a piece of the continent, a part of the main — IT’s value results from business operations enabled by IT, and exists, only, if the business user sees it. The System club helps the students feel the essence of Information Technology in Management and the importance of IT in modern-day management.

Inspiring Methodology can Transform Students into Leaders 

The SAN International Business School promises to deliver a relevant and updated curriculum for their students that make learning useful and engaging. Their aim is to provide opportunities for a practical and matter-of-fact exposure to the corporate world and avail provisions to enhance soft skills. The institution strives to provide a caring and disciplined environment to groom the wards into competent professionals ready to venture into their Work life.

Additionally, they promise a congenial environment for the faculty members to pursue their interests in teaching. The SAN International Business School has taken measures to create a milieu for Alumni to collaborate among themselves and with the current batches of students. For the betterment of their students, they conduct effective pedagogic events on a regular basis such as Case studies, Live projects, Simulation games, Learning Management System, Roleplay, Stock games, Involvement of students in organizing seminars & Conferences.

The Pioneer & Philanthropist Leader

The inception of SAN IBS in 2007 under the aegis of SREE AMMAN TRUST was possible only because of the eminent and dynamic philanthropist, Tmt. T.Jayalakshmi M.A, the chairperson of SAN IBS. She won the “Best Women Entrepreneur” award from Rotary club of Erode in 1993 and was awarded “The Best Woman Award” by the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu in 1994. Moreover, she is the Founder of San International Business School & San International Info School with the state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities in the year 2007. The total commitment to the cause of higher education and her dynamic involvement in planning, development, and welfare of one and all have helped for the institutions phenomenal growth and meteoric rise.
