Schools Reopen in Beijing with Extra Health and Safety Measure

Schools Beijing

Months after schools opened in Beijing on Monday, the students have found themselves using a new gadget- a temperature monitoring bracelet. These on-trial bracelets send an alert to an associated app if the student has a fever. This is one of the latest means being deployed by China to track its population’s possible exposure to the novel coronavirus.

China has already put up several thermal cameras in public areas and most places require people to show an app with green, yellow, and red ratings that determine a person’s infection risk based on travel history. The new bracelets were rolled out in five Beijing districts for the first classes for middle school students in months. The bands provide real-time temperature data that can be monitored by schools and parents via an app.

As Beijing begins the transition back into normal life, over the past few weeks, several schools have gradually reopened across China with extra health and safety measures as the country. Daily temperature monitoring, compulsory mask-wearing, and social-distancing policies have become the new normal at schools across China, as officials try to contain the epidemic domestically. Some provinces in China have taken extra vigilant back-to-school measures like the southern province of Guangdong. The province required all 167,000 of the first batch of returning high school students and 30,000 teachers to undergo nucleic acid testing in late April.
