Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy: Committed to Inspiring Leaders for the Global Age
Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy
Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy

The leading institution that prepares individuals to be future-ready, maximises their potential and opens doors in life through education

Can we ever stop learning? Even speculating, we might say everybody’s response will be a resounding NO! The world is always changing with new technology, fast-growing sectors and employment opportunities. To survive and thrive in this global age, lifelong learning is necessary. Children and youths of today must be equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow when they graduate from schools, colleges, or universities. By cultivating the habits of lifelong learning at a young age, students can enhance their personal effectiveness and capacity to adapt nimbly to changes. This prepares them to be future leaders, poised to stay competitive and relevant in the evolving world.

Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy (SCIA) is one institution that recognises the importance of lifelong learning. SCIA endeavours to be the centre of excellence in education, opening more doors in life and nurturing future leaders in Cambodia. The academy not only focuses on her students’ academic performance but also provides opportunities to maximise every child’s potential through her Holistic Education Learning Model (HELM), signature talent programmes and co-curricular activities. Embracing the rigorous Singapore education model with a global perspective, SCIA prepares students to navigate the challenges of the 21st century with courage and confidence.

History at a Glance

SCIA is a fully owned subsidiary of the Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) Group, which has over 50 years of experience in higher education and professional development. SIM, established as a dynamic organisation with a broad spectrum of programmes and operations, was founded by the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB). The objective was to set up a not-for-profit management institute that could promote Singapore’s industrialisation and economic growth.

Today, SIM carries out its mission of promoting lifelong learning through different arms: SIM Global Education and SIM Professional Development, each catering to a specific segment of learners.

In 2018, SCIA became SIM’s first overseas venture. Situated in the heart of Phnom Penh, SCIA offers world-class K-12 education and foundation programmes that prepare students for higher learning in reputable overseas universities.

Overview of SCIA

K-12 (Pre-School to Senior High School)

SCIA offers an integrated K-12 education for students aged 2 to 18 years. Students can progress seamlessly through SCIA Pre-School, Primary School, High School and Senior High School.

SCIA is a registered school of Cambridge Assessment International Education and has also been appointed by the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) as an Overseas Examination Centre to conduct the Singapore International Primary School Examination (iPSLE). As such, SCIA students receive a distinctive education that blends the best of both the Singapore and Cambridge curricula.

All SCIA students sit for the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint, iGCSE and ‘A’ Levels at Grades 6, 10 and 12 respectively. The assessment at SCIA are benchmarked to international standards and students receive certifications that are recognised world-wide.

Beyond academics, SCIA strives to develop her students in all five essential components of holistic education, encompassing the Cognitive, Aesthetics, Moral, Physical, and Social (‘CAMPS’ for short). Augmented with the school’s signature talent programmes in STEM, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, the SCIA curriculum equips students with the relevant knowledge and skillsets for the global age.

Foundation Studies Centre (FSC)

The SCIA FSC prepares students for progression to higher education. The Centre imparts essential knowledge and in-depth understanding of subjects taught in highly sought-after degree programmes, providing a smooth transition to reputable universities worldwide. In addition, the Centre offers career guidance and soft skills training that help students discover their academic interests and career aspirations.

At present, the SCIA FSC offers two pre-university pathways through the International Foundation Programme (IFP) and Management Foundation Programme (MFP). For the IFP, SCIA is the first and only recognised teaching centre in Cambodia appointed by the University of London to offer this programme. For the MFP, the programme offered by SCIA FSC is recognised by SIM for entry into diploma programmes in Singapore. Students who successfully complete the IFP or the MFP followed by SIM Diploma will be eligible to pursue degree programmes from SIM’s university partners in the UK, US and Australia.

Highlights of the SCIA Experience

Learner-Centric Pedagogy

SCIA adopts a constructivist and learner-centric approach to teaching and learning. Lessons are interactive and collaborative, encouraging students to express their opinions and work in teams. Through inquiry-based lessons, students are no longer passive receivers of information. Instead, they are active participants who ponder, experiment and discuss ideas. In the process, they not only acquire new knowledge but also discover the joy of learning.

Trilingual Education

SCIA offers a trilingual education with compulsory language lessons in English, Chinese and Khmer. While English is the main medium of instruction, SCIA emphasises the importance of appreciating the Cambodian culture through learning the Khmer language. Students are also taught the Chinese language, which will be increasingly used in cross-border communications as China plays a key role in the regional and global arena with the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative.

Conducive Learning Environment

Nestled in the heart of One Park, Phnom Penh City Centre, SCIA offers quality education in a vibrant and modern city campus. The teaching and learning spaces include classrooms, Seminar Rooms, Art Rooms, Music Rooms, Library, and venues for performances and sports. These facilities enable SCIA’s curriculum to be delivered effectively. For instance, the four Science Laboratories and two Info-Comm Technology Laboratories are fully equipped with apparatus, computers and software to support SCIA’s signature programme in STEM. SCIA also partners with One Park to allow her students to enjoy the outdoor playground and swimming pool in the condominium premises.

SCIA’s Accomplishments

As a result of her dedication towards excellence, SCIA has achieved much success within a short span of one academic year. Since welcoming the pioneer batch of students in August 2018, SCIA has received positive reviews and grown steadily in enrolment to have some 250 students currently.

SCIA students and staff work hard to make a difference to the local community. In September 2018, SCIA received the Cambodia Successful Brand Award for 2018/2019, a recognition to SCIA for bringing forth outstanding contributions towards Cambodian society and economy. In June 2019, as part of their Entrepreneurship lessons, SCIA students raised funds and built toilets for some villagers in Prey Veng Province. SCIA students also embarked on Service Learning projects at Silk Island.

In recent months, SCIA students did the school proud by putting Cambodia on the world stage. In July 2019, two SCIA students were nominated by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) Cambodia to take part in the 34th China Adolescents Science and Technology Innovation Contest (CASTIC) in Macau, China. They won 3rd place in the International Projects category with their project entitled “Recirculating Aquatic System of Agriculture (‘RASA’)”.

In September, two SCIA students and FSC Principal Ms Ng Bee Sun took part in the 3rd Belt and Road Teenager Maker Camp and Teacher Workshop in Guangxi, China. The students’ teams clinched the Best Presentation Award and Best Maker Award. One student was awarded two Special Awards, conferred by the Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, and Tunisian Association for the Future of Science and Technology respectively. At the Teacher Workshop, Ms Ng’s team won first prize for the Design on Environmental Protection, using technology robots as an innovative tool to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals movement.

Future Sneak Peek

SCIA stands firm on her mission of maximising individuals’ potential and opening doors in life through education. There is a strong nexus between SCIA and SIM in Singapore, which serves as a significant resource centre for the school. In the years to come, parents and students in Cambodia can look forward to SCIA providing more high-quality academic programmes and offering multiple pathways to overseas universities.

The aforementioned information leads us, at The Knowledge Review, to the conclusion that Singapore (Cambodia) International Academy is steadily sailing towards her vision of inspiring leaders for the global age.

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