SISTec Ratibad students bag award in Anveshana 2019

Anveshana 2019

Bhopal, February 19, 2019: Students of SISTec Ratibad have bagged the Third Prize and medal in Anveshana 2019 held at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi. Anveshana 2019 is a science innovation exhibition for organized by Agastya International Foundation showcasing 40 innovative projects from over 2000 students at pan India level. SISTec Ratibad Mechanical Branch Team comprising of Armaan Khan, Vishal Rathore, Satish Harinkhede and Sanjay Srivas along with Prof. Bhoopendra Singh as mentor accepted the award of Runners Up with cash price of Rs 10000/- with medal and certificate. The runners up trophy was presented by Chief Guest of the day, Shri Anurag Kumar, Deputy Director, National Science Centre, Government of India, New Delhi for the project vapour compression refrigeration system (VCRS) (AC) Solar Energy and Air Cooler Cum Water Cooler. SISTec Ratibad project vapour compression refrigeration system (VCRS) (AC)- Solar Energy and Air Cooler Cum Water Cooler is a project in which students have created an Air Cooler which cools the room using solar energy. Students have used water as refrigerant which under goes changes using solar energy and gives cool air by various refrigeration cycles. The students have also been working on a similar project to create air conditioner using the solar energy which will use the renewable source of energy and will be a power saver option.

Shri Siddharth Sudhir Agrawal, Managing Director, Sagar Group congratulated the winners and the team of Mechanical Engineering Department for their hard work in bringing laurels to Institution.

