Sleep Disorders are Very Real – And Here’s What You Need to Know About Them
Sleep Disorders

Did you know sleep disorders are a thing?? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t get enough sleep. So, you’re not alone if you feel like laughing when you hear the term “sleep disorder.”

You might be reading this and thinking, “Sure, I have a sleep disorder– it’s called ‘having kids’ or ‘working late nights!” And it’s totally true that most people—especially parents, people who work night shifts, or people who regularly stay up late—don’t get the sleep they need.

But you might be surprised to know that sleep disorders are very real and they can have a profound impact on your quality of life. In this article, we’ll learn more about sleep disorders, what they are, and how you can get help if you’re experiencing sleep difficulties.

What is a sleep disorder?

The first thing you should know about sleep disorders is that this condition is not limited to people who don’t get enough sleep. The symptoms of a sleep disorder can also include sleeping too much and experiencing difficulties with your quality of sleep.

Unfortunately, however, the average person doesn’t know a lot about sleep or the symptoms of sleep disorders. As a result of this misinformation, many people are struggling with sleep disorders, and they don’t even know it!

For example, have you ever felt like you were too tired to sleep? Have you ever slept through the night but felt exhausted the next day? Or have you ever felt like you woke up a million times during the night and struggled to get back to sleep? If you’ve experienced any of these things, you might be struggling with a sleep disorder!

However, it is also important to notice that many people have experienced these symptoms on a one-night basis or as the result of a temporary, extenuating circumstance. In these cases, your sleep difficulties are unlikely to be the result of a sleep disorder.

But if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms on a regular basis, it’s definitely a sign of something more serious, such as a sleep disorder. So, let’s take a look at a few common sleep disorders and their often-unrecognized symptoms.

  • Insomnia
    Insomnia is one of the more commonly known sleep disorders. Most people are familiar with this one and with insomnia’s primary symptom: an inability to sleep. However, you might not know that insomnia is actually characterized by a wide range of symptoms; it’s not just a simple inability to fall asleep. Insomnia can also include symptoms such as: difficulty staying asleep, difficulty falling asleep, or a mix of both symptoms at once. 
  • Sleep-Wake Disorders
    Sleep-wake disorders are characterized by irregularities in your circadian rhythm. The circadian rhythm is an internal clock which helps us regulate our sleep cycles. It helps us know when to go to sleep and when to wake up.
    But if your circadian rhythm is misaligned, you may have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep, or sleeping for a healthy amount of time. Circadian rhythm irregularities can be caused by jet lag, working the night shift, or a hormonal imbalance.
  • Sleep Terror Disorder
    Sleep Terror Disorder is a less common disorder that occurs when someone experiences intense sensations of fear while asleep. This diagnostic term is often used interchangeably with the term “night terror,” although this term is more commonly used when the episodes involve children. Both children and adults can experience night terrors. Night terrors typically occur during your NREM stage of sleep or “non rapid eye movement.”

How Can I Get Help for a sleep disorder?

Now that you know a little more about sleep disorders, let’s take a look at the resources that are available to you if you’re struggling. If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of a sleep disorder, you probably don’t want to go on like this forever!

Lack of sleep can have a serious impact on your mental health and your quality of life. Without adequate sleep, you may be unable to function properly and your ability to think might be impaired. That’s not a happy or healthy way to live!

So, if you’re struggling with any of the symptoms on this list, you might want to take the first step towards getting help and take a sleep disorder test. This free diagnostic assessment from Mind Diagnostics will help you evaluate your own symptoms through a simple, confidential online test.

While taking the test, you will be asked to assess your symptoms and their impact on your life. When you finish answering a short series of questions, you will be taken to a screen with more information about your results and the steps you can take to seek help. These steps will include resources for sleep specialists, therapists, and information about talking to your doctor.

Sleep disorders can be caused by a variety of factors—including physical, mental, and environmental causes—so it’s important to talk to a doctor and learn more about the factors that may be affecting you. Sleep disorders are easily treatable, and they don’t have to hold you back! So, don’t be afraid to learn more about your symptoms and get help today!

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