For every teacher, the most challenging task is to grab a student’s attention and convey the message in an effective way. Their prime motive is to make sure that the ideas are thoroughly explained to the students. They aim to impart each lesson in such a way that it creates a lasting impression on their minds. Another important aspect that concerns teachers is how to continuously hold the attention of the student throughout a classroom session. Making the teaching–learning process an interesting, engaging, and worthwhile experience is also of prime importance for the teachers.
Implementing Innovative Classroom Strategies
Every teacher aims to overcome the above mentioned challenges efficiently. In order to do so, they should implement out-of-the-box teaching–learning strategies. This would make classroom sessions more interesting and would create a positive ambience of teacher–student interaction. The below mentioned strategies can assist in reinventing teaching methods and upgrade classroom sessions.
Incorporating Creativity in Classroom
Teachers can nurture the creative side of the students by conducting special classroom activities related to the curriculum. They can utilize various tools to stimulate students’ creativity. Including interesting games, visual exercises, power point presentations, images, and videos can excite students’ minds and attract their interest. Teachers should identify every student’s inventive abilities and encourage creative contributions. Bringing creativity in every subject and giving students the freedom to explore can work wonders.
Using Audio–Video Teaching Aid
Teachers can supplement textbook content by conducting audio–visual sessions in the classroom. Various tools like models, pictures, films, videos, info graphics, and so on can provide the scope for students’ imagination to thrive. These techniques can boost their creativity and their ability to concentrate and understand concepts better. For example, if teachers play short videos about historical events and chemical experiments in the classroom, it can clarify various doubts that students have in their minds. Tech-savvy teachers can also use a number of smart applications for preschoolers that can make the classroom sessions a fun experience.
Connecting with the Real World
Teachers can infuse real-life experiences and examples to conduct fresh and enriching sessions. Students will connect to the subject matter with real-life examples, which will, in turn, make the subject matter easy to understand. Moreover, it will spark an interest among the students and they will remain excited and involved in the classroom.
Brainstorming can Work Wonders
Conducting brainstorming sessions in the classroom widens the scope of nurturing creativity. When a group of students discuss and work together on a single idea, numerous ideas will be generated. It will also actively involve everyone and create room for healthy discussion. During such sessions, students can also express their opinions on certain issues without worrying about what is right or wrong. Teachers can decide beforehand whether they want to conduct single, group, or paired brainstorming sessions.
Stepping outside the Classroom
Confining within the boundaries of the classroom is not always sufficient for educational excellence. Sometimes teachers need to take classes outside the classroom. They can organize field trips that are relevant to the lessons taught. Moreover taking a small walk or occasionally conducting classes outside in touch with nature can be refreshing. Through such sessions students can learn a lot and easily remember whatever has been taught to them.
Role play is an Effective Tool
Teachers can make their classes interesting by introducing role play sessions. It can help students step out of their comfort zones and develop their interpersonal skills. This method can be useful while teaching literature, history, or lessons on current affairs. Role playing can help students in understanding how they can implement classroom education in their daily lives. This technique can be customized and is applicable to almost every age group. The key to role play is to keep it simple so that the students’ attention can be captured for a long time.
Welcoming new Ideas
Innovative mindset coupled with an open-minded attitude can help teachers to introduce new procedures and techniques in the classrooms. Many teachers may initially find it difficult to adopt out-of-the-box teaching procedures, as resisting change as a part of human nature. But, with constant practice and a positive attitude, teachers can incorporate innovation in their instructional procedures. Teachers should constantly evaluate themselves and should often try out new ideas in the classroom.
The dawn of the new era has introduced revolutionary advancements in the educational system. Teachers can use cutting-edge technology, innovative educational techniques, and research-oriented procedures at classrooms. They should not only limit to teaching, but also aim at transforming students into furnished individuals who work for improving themselves and for the development of the society and the nation.
— Ananda Kamal Das