Symbiosis School of Economics: Creating Equilibrium

Symbiosis School of Economics

Incepted in 2008, Symbiosis School of Economics (SSE) is a young and dynamic institution which is contributing to the economy and society, to reach new heights by creating future leaders. At SSE, students accomplish these goals in an educational environment committed to excellence and academic freedom.

With 2.5 trillion-dollar, the Indian economy is poised to be the third largest in the coming decade. To achieve this milestone, India needs to enhance its labour productivity, bring about breakthrough innovations with enhanced expenditure in research and development, and create an eco-system which will absorb the most significant global labour force in the world. In this environment, SSE aspires to be known as one of the institutes of highest repute that provides academic rigor and offers excellence in research such that, active learning, purposeful employment, and meaningful local and global collaborations falls in line with the society.

Located in the heart of Pune city, SSE provides students an opportunity to experience the city life and explore education beyond boundaries. Its infrastructure includes air-conditioned classrooms furnished with projectors and Wi-Fi facility, an ever-expanding library, computer lab, intelligent Smart-Boards, faculty rooms, admin blocks, canteen, gym, reprographic centre, conference rooms, and an auditorium with a seating capacity of five hundred people.

The academics and environment at SSE have been meticulously crafted – the sound curriculum, the value framework, and the overall climate prepare the students for a future in academics, corporate, government, and civil society. It enhances an overall development among students and prepares them to fight challenges of life with ease.

The Leader of the Institution

Dr. Jyoti Chandiramani, the Director of Symbiosis School of Economics, is also the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, at the Symbiosis International (Deemed University) since 2010. As a social change maker, she believes in leading by example and being inclusive. Her career began with K.C College, Mumbai in 1982 and later with the Symbiosis College of Arts & Commerce (1985-2013), where she served as the Head of the Department (1991-2013). She has been a member of the core team, responsible for the setting up of the first Symbiosis Centre for Liberal Arts in India (2006).

Her journey into the field of higher education spans over thirty years since 1982, playing the role as a teacher, administrator, researcher and involved at every stage with institution building. She has played an essential role in establishing one of India’s leading schools of Economics and is committed to providing students with an educational course of academic excellence and lifelong learning.

Her research interest areas range from her dissertation work on foreign direct investments to international economic cooperation and governance to urban economic development. She has authored textbooks, edited a book titled “Perspectives in Urban Development: Issues in Infrastructure, Planning, and Governance”, published numerous research papers and worked on many research projects.

About the Academic Program

The academic program of SSE is interdisciplinary in nature, covering a range of courses that introduce students to different career opportunities. The courses include Business Accounting, Public Administration, Law and Economics, Financial Management, Portfolio Management, International Financial Management, International Relations, Operations Research, Research Methodology, Behavioral Economics, Environmental Economics, Urban Development, International Trade, and Development Economics. The engaging pedagogy, along with a focus on experiential learning and evaluation system, provides and prepares the students with a platform to understand the practical aspects of the subjects taught.

SSE offers world-class academics through its various programs:

  • Sc. (Economics) since 2008; the nomenclature of the programme changed to B.Sc. (Economic) Honors from 2014
  • Sc. (Economics) since 2011, (offered two specializations initially; a third and fourth one were introduced later)
  • International Trade (since 2011)
  • Development Studies (since 2011)
  • Urban Development (since 2016)
  • Finance (will be offered from the academic year 2019-20)

Differentiating Factors

SSE offers a unique academic structure which is ever evolving. The faculty members are known for their effective use of innovative and engaging pedagogy. The scholarly output is supported by two leading centers – the Centre for Academic Writing (CAW) and Centre for Quantitative Learning and Applications (CQLA). An advanced Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) platform supports the academic and administrative processes. The curriculum is designed and taught in a manner to nurture socially sensitive graduates. Additionally, the educational activities are supported by the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, which help the students to gain perspectives beyond academics.

Unlocking the Door of Opportunities

The students at SSE intern in diverse organizations including corporates, NGOs, national level research institutions, government ministries, and academic institutions. This exposure, along with regular guest lectures and workshops by eminent economists and business leaders, train them for real world challenges faced by practicing economists in the private and public sectors. The experiences help the students develop insights into linkages between policy and practice. The software training for simulation, and predictive modelling, qualify them further for a sound career and enhanced employability.

Students from SSE have made significant progress in different walks of life. They have secured admissions in leading universities, and are working for institutions, organizations and prominent think tanks. Some have even become business or social entrepreneurs. Some of the institute’s alumni have pursued higher degrees at the Delhi School of Economics, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development and Research, Gokhale Institute of Economics and Politics, London School of Economics, St Andrews’, Vrije University – Amsterdam, Warwick University, National University Singapore, Boston University, Rochester University, Johns Hopkins University, and Columbia University.

Major Achievements

Some of the achievements of Symbiosis School of Economics include:

  • Crafting out an active and well evolved academic programme
  • Attracting students across India and abroad
  • Attracting well qualified and competent faculty members from across India
  • Shaping a thousand alumni with a close monitoring of their career progression
  • Delivering a sound academic curriculum and environment and preparing students for a career while equipping them to negotiate the dynamic and volatile nature of the real world.
  • Excellent student progression. To mention a few accomplishments, the students have:
    • Qualified as IES Officer
    • Worked with organizations such as Bloomberg and the International Finance Corporation
    • Been awarded the best research paper at the international convention of South Asian Economic Students Meet (SAESM)
  • The research focus of the school is directed towards urban and rural development, microeconomic and international trade-related issues, Sustainable Development Goals, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and future of employment.
  • The school undertook its first major research project for the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), titled “Rural Development Infrastructure Index Including Physical, Social and Institutional Dimensions”, in October 2018
  • In addition to the above, within the span of a decade, the school has instituted:
    • The annual college fest – ‘Laissez Faire’, since 2011-12, later renamed to ‘Equilibria’ in 2017-18
    • The Late Prof Suresh Tendulkar Memorial Lecture (STML) since 2014
    • The student’s competition which will soon be a pan India event, titled “Economist of the Year” (EOTY), since 2017-18;
    • Future of Employment: Challenges and Opportunities (FECO) – a biennial event to address the challenges of this crucial socio and macroeconomic issue.

Some Major Conferences

  • 2011 February: National Conference on Urban Policy and Planning: A Case Perspective of Pune
  • 2013 – March: ICSSR Sponsored Workshop “Setting the Urban Research Agenda”
  • 2015 – August: A two-week summer university programme was conducted by the Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF) on Sustainable Urbanization in Heritage Cites, hosted by SSE under the Symbiosis International (Deemed University).
  • 2017 – February: Transforming India 2030: Strategies for Sustainable Development Goals
  • 2017 – December: GST Conclave
  • SSE is planning to organize FECO in a conference format in February of 2019.


“I can positively say that Symbiosis School of Economics has laid an excellent foundation for my future. The B.Sc. Economics at SSE is an extremely well-structured programme and provides in-depth learning of Economics and Mathematics. It is well supported by dedicated teachers who are always available for guidance. The college also provides wonderful prospects for International Student-Exchange Programmes which provide excellent opportunity to interact with international students.”

  • Shruti Aran B.Sc. (Economics) Honors (2012-15)

“Discipline, hard-work, and perseverance are the only way to success. SSE has taught me to go for everything (in the good sense). Nothing was served on the plate. I had to work hard for everything. Also, the fond memories would be a huge takeaway from SSE. SSE made me more efficient. It brought the best out of me. The overall learning at this institute has shaped me as a person. It was not just monotonous learning (academics). The education was good enough to take me ahead in my life.”

  • Omkar Raut M.Sc. (Economics) (2013-2015)
