The Royal Grammar School Guildford Qatar : The Learning Environment to Nurture Champions, Thinkers and Future Global Citizens

Royal Grammar School, Qatar
Royal Grammar School, Qatar

The Royal Grammar School, Guildford Qatar (RGS) is an independent, British curriculum school for boys and girls located in the quiet, convenient area of Um Salal Mohammed.

Whilst still relatively new to Doha, having been established in September 2016, the school is still part of the prestigious Royal Grammar School, Guildford and Lanesborough Preparatory School, located in Surrey, UK.

Bringing over 500 years of academic excellence to Qatar, the school provides an outstanding British curriculum education based upon traditional values of decency and respect, supported by exceptional pastoral care and a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities.

The School on a Mission

The mission of the RGS Guildford Qatar is to ensure that it is a happy school where excellent learning takes place which enables the pupils to excel and develop into caring and confident individuals who are well prepared for the challenges ahead. School life is underpinned by a commitment to fulfilling the potential of each and every individual, irrespective of his or her passion.

To realise this very mission, the school aims to:

  • Ensure everyone involved with the school embraces the challenge of learning.
  • Achieve academic excellence through the provision of a challenging British curriculum, outstanding teaching and by helping pupils develop a set of learning habits which will prepare them for life beyond school and all of its challenges.
  • Have high expectations of all who are involved with the education of the school’s pupils.
  • Ensure everyone in the school is confident in expressing their opinions and respectful of others in turn.
  • Provide a supportive pastoral environment which meets individual needs, and promotes the development of happy, considerate pupils.
  • Offer a rounded education, rich in extra-curricular activities and international opportunities, which facilitates the acquisition of skills that prepare RGS’s pupils for a lifetime of learning and encourages both participation and individual excellence.
  • Ensure pupils are happy at school, because happy pupils are better learners.
  • Promote continuous institutional improvement through high quality professional development.
  • Transfer the historic traditions of The Royal Grammar School, Guildford to Qatar in order to inform and inspire the school.

The Academic Rollout

At the RGS Guildford Qatar, the ‘Pre-Prep Department’ cares and educates children from the age of three to five. It consists of nursery and reception classes in a series of bright, colourful, self- contained classrooms centred around a large library. Each classroom is fully equipped with quality learning materials; and enjoys its own tree-lined, secure, and shaded playground with superb outdoor play equipment. Teaching Assistants support the class teachers and the ratio in RGS’s pre-prep is never more than 1:10.

Both, the nursery and reception classes follow the British Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum, which is based upon the seven areas of learning and development and includes communication and language, personal, social, emotional and physical development. Almost all of RGS’s activities are based on structured play and exploring, which allow the children to develop their essential skills in areas of literacy, mathematics and expressive arts. Whilst music, PE and languages are taught by specialist subject teachers in dedicated classrooms.

Pupils in years 1 to 6 are taught by their class teachers for the core subjects of maths, English, science and computing. Each class benefits from a dedicated teaching assistant and maximum class size of 25 students.

The curriculum is further extended to include a wide range of subjects including history, geography, art & design, and design & technology. Pupils in the prep school also benefit from access to science, design and technology laboratories which further enhance the teaching and learning. As in RGS’s pre-prep department, music, PE and languages are taught by specialist subject teachers in dedicated classrooms.

By the end of year six, all the students are well prepared both academically and socially for the excitement and new challenges of senior school.

The senior school runs from year 7 to year 13 through Key Stage 3 (year 7 to 9), Key Stage 4 (year 10 and 11) and Key Stage 5 (year 12 and 13). When pupils move into senior school, they are taught by individual subject teachers and classes are more focused on formal subject-based learning. IGCSE and A-Level examinations are taken at the end of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 respectively.

In Key Stage 3 pupils continue to benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum which includes mathematical, scientific, and technological, linguistic, human and social, creative and literary, physical and moral and spiritual areas of learning. The combination of breadth and depth of study is at the heart of the school’s philosophy, ensuring that pupils experience the full breadth of academic opportunity and challenge before making key decisions when selecting their IGCSE and A Level options. This breadth of study means that no long-term university or career plans are closed at this early stage of senior school.

As pupils get older and move into Key Stage 4, they begin to focus on their preferred subjects. IGCSE exams are taken at the end of this stage in different subjects.

In Key Stage 5, the school remains firmly committed to traditional A-Levels which are accepted by universities around the world. Pupils who have successfully completed their IGCSEs will select their preferred subjects to study in Year 12 and 13 which will prepare them for university and also the start of their careers. Their subject selection at this stage will influence their choice of degree course at university. The RGS takes pride in supporting all its pupils through the exciting choices and the hard work that goes into the last two years at the school.

“Although mindful of the demands of formal examinations towards the latter part of senior school, our emphasis remains on encouraging our pupils to explore beyond the formal curriculum and continuing to develop a true love of learning,” said the Head of School, Mr. Thomas Rolt. “Universities are increasingly looking at the whole person, not just examination results,” he added.

Specialist teaching of music and PE begins from Nursery and is open to all pupils as part of the broad and balanced curriculum taught over at RGS.

Thinking on their feet

RGS is also incredibly proud of the swift actions of its staff and robust systems it has in place that continue to ensure that the school is a safe place to study and work in. The staff have maintained their professionalism in managing these challenging circumstances by implementing and adapting between a blended learning system and online learning.

To Nurture Champions

The pastoral care of all the pupils is coordinated by every class teacher and is overseen by the Head of School and Deputy Head. Pastoral care is the cornerstone of the RGS.

“Our philosophy is clear – a happy child that feels safe, cared for and valued, will learn and thrive . . . and that is what we do here at The RGS Guildford in Qatar,” noted the astute Mr. Rolt.

The RGS Guildford Qatar could not have been prouder of its former pupils, known as ‘Old Guildfordians’, which include a number of Olympic and sporting personalities, a former Prime Minister and many notable names from the world of industry, politics and the arts.

By joining The RGS Guildford Qatar, your child will automatically become a member of the elite, illustrious Old Guildfordian alumni.
