The UN Suggests a Need for Education Transformation, says: “In Order to Develop a Peaceful World”

Education Transformation
The UN Suggests a Need for Education Transformation, says: “In Order to Develop a Peaceful World”

The Transformation Education Summit, held between 16 to 19 of September 2022, in New York, was a response to the existing crisis in education, in terms of equity, relevance, and quality. Secretary-General António Guterres initiated the meeting in the General Assembly Hall — by asking, “Since I consider myself a lifelong student, without education, where would I be? Where would we all be?

During the formation of the United Nations Summit, the UN chief addressed that education today had become a great divider as 70% of children, specifically 10-year-olds, are still unable to read or write, especially in poor countries. Whereas the rich ones get the best resources, universities, and even the best jobs.

Targeting the outdated curriculum, he stated, “This is the time to bring transformation in education systems.” Hence, the chief called on the audience to focus on the skillset and roles of the teachers in order to facilitate learning. Moreover, he has addressed that schools must provide healthy and safe spaces, with no space for intimidation, violence, and stigma.

As a result, in the late afternoon, the summit announced that more than 130 countries have committed to bringing about a change in education systems. Hopefully, this may accelerate the learning crisis, with more than half of the countries prioritizing measures to address the loss of learning and promote students’ psycho-social well-being.
