Things to Consider Before Pursuing MBA
Things to Consider Before Pursuing MBA-Theknowledgereview

Choosing the right school and program is one of the biggest and toughest decision one must make before enrolling for an MBA program. This is a great chance to enhance the career prospect, which will eventually help to build a better future. With so many programs available to choose from, are you thinking to enroll for an MBA degree? Think again! Are you sure you are not intimidated by your classmates? Already confused? Don’t worry, when we are here with some points that will help you to understand if MBA is really your cup of tea.

Make sure that You Aren’t Intimidated by Your Friends who are pursuing or thinking of pursuing MBA. It is quite natural to be impressed when you see your friends are pursuing MBA from a University, where they are always surrounded by Olympic medalists, business tycoons, karate champions, actors, or even by political leaders. However, one should always learn from a group of people who have the experience in the areas where you are not so familiar as they are normally more excited to share their knowledge with you.

According to the human nature, you always tend to be attracted towards people just like you. However, as the business school provides you the opportunity to interact with students from a different background, culture and countries, you will be enriched if you make an effort to step outside your comfort zone and interact with them.

Most of the students, who are thinking of pursuing an MBA degree, often get confused while choosing between Full-Time MBA or Part-Time MBA program.  When it comes to a full-time MBA program it is normally spread over two academic years and four semesters, while you will get a break of three to four months for an internship. During the first year of the program, you will learn all the core subjects and during the second year you will have to choose your specialization and you will have to study accordingly. When it comes to full-time MBA program it’s quite tough to work and study as the business school is the top priority.

On the other hand, part-time MBA program is specifically designed for working professionals. Most of the time students who are pursuing a part-time course work during daytime and attend the business school at night.

Another confusing part is to choose between a Regular MBA or an Executive MBA. EMBA programs are specifically designed to enhance the career of working executives, most of whom are sponsored by their respective companies. Mostly specialists in a field or industry who need to brush up their management skills to climb the corporate ladder choose these courses. As participants are working full time, students don’t require to work as an intern during the study.

As a prospective student, you need to know the Ranking of a business school. MBA rankings from top publications are a great way to know about a school’s reputation, alumni feedback, increase in salary and value. However, there’s a catch, sometimes the methodologies used in these rankings are completely different and quite a few times they are not based on latest data as many-a-times, the MBA schools share old data.

Accreditation needs to be checked before enrolling for an MBA program. Always check for business schools with at least one accreditation. AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS are the seals of approval and it proves that a business school has fulfilled all the demands by accrediting bodies. Additionally, most of the recruiters prefer a business school with accreditation over a business school which lacks any accreditation.

Age Celling of an MBA Applicant

Most of the MBA schools don’t have an age ceiling regarding their applications. However, you should have a close look at the nature of the course you are thinking to pursue as there might be some courses which can be simply inadequate for you.

There’s a no better way than speaking to the Pass outs of the program you are planning to take admission, which helps to know the growth trajectory, relevance of the program and other details. In the age of social networks, it’s not tough to find a pass-out  student that eventually helps to get an instant review.

So, here are some pointers, that will help you to choose the right business school for you. Just keep these points in mind while searching for an MBA college or course; it will help you to a great extent. So why wait? Start searching the school before it’s too late.

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