Titalee Arts: Academy for Excellence
Titalee Arts
Titalee Arts

The famous artist Pablo Picasso once said, “There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun.” Art is a journey of ideas and thoughts from imaginary world to the physical world. It is an exhibition of emotions and expressions, with a different virtue towards the life.

Many people are blessed with the extra-ordinary skills. They just have to explore their talent in the right direction. Some of them are shy and don’t try to express their skills, while some are very diligent, who live for their passion. These passionate people achieve something greatest and become forerunner of their own institutes. One of the prime examples of this is Titalee Arts, founded by Mrs. Seema Abhinav Malavi.

Titalee Arts is an art institute, which works to support the artistic endeavors, providing the resources and opportunities to make a connection and leave a mark, through what people create. The institute works on the principle that people are not a mere visitor, but a real contributor to the life. Titalee Arts welcomes artists, who are interested in the intersection of art and civic life, and who wish to explore how the practicing of fine-arts capability can be translated into socio-economically meaningful projects that produce a deeper understanding of the cultures.

Unfolding the Journey

Seema started her journey as a Mehendi artist when she was in the tenth grade. These were the days when people used to make fun of the girls, who went to apply Mehendi in other houses. They used to not even call them Mehendi artists but would call them Mehendiwaali and considered the profession to be cheap.

However, Seema’s parents still supported her choice. Her passion for the art gave birth to the Titalee Arts and she became a popular Mehendi artist in Ahmedabad, thanks to her excellent skills and mouth publicity by the customers. She started receiving more and more calls for Mehendi arts from the local customers. When she was in the third year of college, she showed the designs to teachers and neighbours, and they appreciated her work. They encouraged her to start teaching classes for drawing.

So, she started the classes from her apartment and children from the neighbourhood would come to learn, then slowly more people joined them. She used to take the classes only on the weekends for one and half hours as she was still studying full time. After completing the graduation in fine arts, she got married and settled in Surat in 2001. Seema’s husband and in-laws supported her wish to start teaching classes again. That was enough for her to revive the Titalee Arts at Athwalines, where she started teaching art and crafts to people of all age groups.

Fostering the Value of Art

The main goal of Titalee Arts is to make people fall in love with the art. To make them learn the importance and value of art. People have a lot of talent, but they just need to bring it out. “Art is a medium to express your feelings, and the mission of the institute is just to nurture one’s skills. I want to turn Titalee Arts into franchise-based chain of institute,” said Seema.

Till date, art and craft was looked upon as hobby, but there are vast career opportunities in this field now. Art and craft are just not those last two class periods of school but have crossed all borders of universe. Seema said, “It is just not limited to beautifying our homes or adding decor to your office – I want my students to paint the sky.”

Artist Behind the Story

The success story of Titalee Arts is the fruitful achievement of Seema’s struggle. She put tireless efforts into teaching her students and helping them to follow their interests. It is always said that behind every successful man, there is a woman. But who lies behind the successful woman? It’s the family who supports her. Seema’s family always supported her passion and dreams.

According to Seema, her friendly nature and aptitude are intrinsic in the success of Titalee Arts. Many milestones achieved throughout the journey. Prime of them is that Seema achieved woman entrepreneur award by Southern Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industries for Year 2018. “Consistency is the key. I have not reached where I am currently overnight. It is a fruit of years of hard work, dedication, and passion,” said Seema.

Albert Einstein rightly worded, “creativity is contagious – pass it on” and that is what she wants to make ‘Art and Craft’ viral with Titalee Arts – Academy for Excellence.

Dealing with the Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic shackled the world like never before. It was a tough period and surviving this pandemic was challenging task for Titalee Arts. However, the school managed the working very well in the pandemic. All the safety protocols were followed, social distancing maintained, temperature was checked, and everything was sanitized daily.

The students were placed separately keeping safe distance between them. The school reduced the sitting capacity by fifty percent. Also, working hours were increased to manage all students efficiently, ensuring everyone is getting proper attention.

Inside the School

Titalee Arts consists of two Studios, an art-gallery, reception and waiting lounge. The school uses state-of-the-art tools like brushes, rollers, knives, sponges, nib-pens, brush-pens, etc. and provides the students an eminent experience to work with. At Titalee Arts, students are gauged as per their calibre, and they are being taught accordingly. This way the courses get tailor-made for each student regardless of their age.

Titalee Arts offers 90 plus courses of vivid art works. The main priority is to make the students feel interested in what they are creating. Titalee Arts wants to create a happy and welcoming space for them to practice their art. They keep looking for different inspirations and do not stick with just one form of art. New designs, different forms of arts, and techniques of paintings are practiced.

Seema said, “I like to express myself differently, to constantly re-invent myself. As an example, I have started doing resin art, making resin jewellery. That helps me grow and learn as an artist.” For Titalee Arts, the age doesn’t matter but the interest of students does. Other than that, reasonable charges are also a selling point of this school. Titalee Arts is looking forward to nurture a greater number of students in the coming times. In addition, teacher training program is being carried out to produce quality teachers.

Career in Fine Arts

As years went by the school expanded, few of its students who gained enough expertise as artists, started teaching along with Seema. While some of the students went to join other schools and teach their own style of art.

Right from academics to corporate world, from teacher to freelancer, people can opt from fashion designing to interior decoration or start their own event management company. It is not just restricted to age or gender; one can go for part time or full-time career. Even home makers and students can create opportunities in their convenient time frame. “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”

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