Transforming Functional Skills Education: Training Qualifications UK Introduces a cutting-edge exam delivery platform

Functional Skills

Training Qualifications UK (TQUK), a prominent leader and innovator in the Awarding and End-Point Assessment sector, is excited to declare the introduction of their latest set of Functional Skills qualifications in both English and Mathematics. By amalgamating groundbreaking qualifications with an advanced assessment platform, TQUK is poised to reshape the Functional Skills landscape. This includes the introduction of on-demand, flexible assessments, providing learners with enhanced control over the timing and location of their exams.

The era of digital living is entrenched, and along with it comes an increasing demand for online, adaptable, and efficient exam delivery. Acknowledging this trend and with the support of AQA, TQUK is committed to spearheading the digital revolution whenever possible. Functional Skills learners now have the flexibility to take exams at their educational institution, workplace, or home, at any time and on any day. This level of convenience is unparalleled elsewhere.

TQUK, in line with its commitment to customer expectations, maintains the fastest Service Level Agreements (SLAs). Demonstrating this commitment, they provide market-leading results with a six-day turnaround, ensuring that TQUK not only supports but also facilitates the operations of its affiliated centers.

However, speed is not the only factor at play. The new system introduces an inclusive dimension to Functional Skills, allowing learners with caregiving, work, or study commitments to schedule their exams at their convenience. The online format aligns more closely with the digital fluency exhibited by students in 2024, eliminating the intimidating nature of traditional exams. Emphasizing value, TQUK maintains straightforward and competitive pricing structures.

“It is evident that the realm of Functional Skills is prepared for the TQUK approach. We have consistently demonstrated our ability to disrupt and challenge the status quo, and this new offering is no exception. If you are tired of missed SLAs, the hassle of booking invigilation slots, and enduring lengthy waits for your learners’ results, we understand. That’s why our systems and processes are crafted to circumvent these issues and empower you with control,” remarked Andrew Walker, Managing Director of Training Qualifications UK.
