Understanding Addiction Through Psychology
Psychology Education

The primary objective of drug rehabilitation is to assist addicts in regaining their abilities and regaining their independence. However, each person’s specific goals are unique. They are determined by what caused the problem, whether the cause is permanent or temporary, which abilities you lost, and the severity of the problem.

This is why psychotherapy is one of the most sought services, especially recently when many people experienced a tremendous amount of stress because of the global health crisis. Everyone is forced to navigate through what nobody ever imagines. As a result, many have either resorted or returned to drug addiction as a temporary escape.

Addicts have formed a circuit in their brains that whenever they do drugs, they feel better. It has become a preset in their mind that this behavior is essential for them to feel great, diminishing the fact that they actually feel in contrast to what they perceive. This is where drug rehabilitation comes in that helps them reset their minds and behavior free of addiction and substance abuse thoughts.

How does addiction relate to psychology?

Addiction develops from some form of stress in the individual’s life that can be overwhelming or completely beyond the person’s understanding. There is a release from stress when things get too much, and thrills are made out of money. Returning the behavior to its original state poses a threat to emotional well-being. The only methods are unhealthful ones like substance abuse or problem behavior.

Sometimes stress can adversely affect the fundamental dimensions of mental health (your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and body reactions). If you have unhealthy behaviors in handling stress, it may influence your health. The adverse effects of stress on your well-being can become a source of stress.

The substance is affecting the brain.

Healthy activities will increase dopamine in the brain. Still, drugs like cocaine or heroin cause the brain to release decreased dopamine, making the pleasurable effect last unnaturally. Drug abuse often changes the amount of dopamine produced in the brain to normal activities. As with operant conditioning about addiction, the brain has been programmed to associate drug euphoria with rewards and the expectation of more reward. Good things do not register on the scale and are quickly forgotten.

Experiencing emotional pressure or stress

Understanding “emotional stress” is crucial when talking about addiction. Stress can manifest in many ways and has many sources. For example, children, the elderly, and the disabled are particularly vulnerable to acts of domestic violence; women are also susceptible to abuse. In addition, research indicates that partners can cause numerous mental health issues for the abused and those who witness the abuse. It includes depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and post-traumatic-like stress.

In UKAT, Jason Shiers said: “There is a distinct part missing from the understanding of addiction.” It is important to note that providing coaching therapy, such as transformative life coaching, to someone trying to overcome addiction cannot have a single approach, as each person has different reasons, environment, and all other factors pushing them to drug addiction.

Even after one hundred years of debate, scientists have not reached a consensus on what causes addiction and what constitutes addiction. A wide range of issues are involved when speaking about the psychology of addiction, including whether it is a disease or an individual failing; childhood, environment, family, and socioeconomic factors are outside of it.
