United States-India Educational Foundation Honoured Alumnus of Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education

Prof. Mohanty

Prof. Mohanty is a well-known author and a former member of India’s UNESCO Commission on Education. He was the previous Vice-Chancellor of the Central University of Odisha and has received several national and international honours.

At the 75th anniversary festivities of the Fulbright Exchange Program of the United States-India Educational Foundation (USIEF), Sachidananda Mohanty was acknowledged for his services to education.

“I am deeply humbled and honoured by this singular honour. I attribute this recognition, in large measure, to my cosmopolitan upbringing at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram School, exposure to the unique multicultural ethos of the town and the international ambience of Auroville,” said Prof. Mohanty.
