Vital Facets of Analytical Skills for Complex Problem Solving

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In today’s contemporary world, there is an intense competition going on in almost every career or business field. To be on the edge of anything and to achieve greater success in life, one needs to have certain unique skillset. Analytical skills are among one of those vital skillsets. Analytical skills have the potential to keep anyone on a far superior position in any field, as compared to their peers. It helps an individual to take the right decision even in the pressure like situations. Right analytical skills help an individual to maintain high productivity and efficiency at workplace. It assists an individual to visualize, articulate, conceptualize and solve both complex and unfussy problems in a shorter time. The core of the analytical skills is the ability to think logically to break a complex problem into smaller components and then derive a meaningful solution.

While recruiting, hiring managers also look for analytical skill as one of the must have skillset in any candidates. Some vital facets of analytical skill set are listed below.

The Ability to gather Right Information and Data Analysis

It sounds simple, but in reality it’s not. Right direction always leads to right destination. Similarly, Right data is always required to reach to the right solution for any given problem. Wrong data will only lead towards failure. After collecting the right data, the other important facet required is to find hidden pattern from the data.

Numerical Ability

The ability to draw valuable insights from graph, pie-chart, table, number system and the ability to express ideas and situations using numerical or mathematical information are crucial for solving any problem. One needs to be very good in number system, basic mathematical calculations and especially algebra.

Strategic Thinking Skills

The logical reasoning ability to know exactly; what you want to achieve and how you want to achieve. It requires a clear vision, flexibility, ability to learn, and the ability to analyze current available data. On a professional level, strategic thinking means that you are able to come up with an effective plan to resolve a situation or to accomplish a company’s goal.

Attention to Miniscule Details

Paying a meticulous attention to every miniscule concern for any large problem helps to minimize the risk of errors and ultimately leads to an effective solution in a timely manner. Organizational skills, Time management skills, Observation skills and Active listening skills are crucial for attaining meticulous attention. Corporations value and need these strengths; that’s why many people include “attention to detail” trait on their job applications.

Creativity and Communication

Creativity is a vital aspect when it comes to problem solving. Personnel often must think outside of the box to come up with a diverse solution for the same problem and then choose the best one. Even if you derived the much desired correct solution and not able to put your ideas in front of others (Management and colleagues), then all those efforts does not bear any real fruits. To transform an idea into reality, one has to be an influential communicator.

Whether it’s Albert Einstein, Thomas Alva Edison or Isaac Newton, the common thread which connects all these great scientists were there “analytical skills” to resolve a problem. Analytical skills had a strong significance in the past, have in present and will remain in the future. It’s a must have skill for all who want to succeed in their life regardless of their profession.

Ashwini Deshmukh
