WYD Encourages Value of Education work as Vocation

Antonella Sciarrone

The significance of “dignifying” vocations in education, beginning with younger generations, is stressed by Antonella Sciarrone, Undersecretary of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Culture and Education.

With a booth devoted to the Global Compact on Education and two unique activities, we are here for World Youth Day.

The many programmes run by the Dicastery in Lisbon were presented by Antonella Sciarrone, Undersecretary of the Dicastery for Culture and Education.

“The idea,” Ms. Sciarrone explained, “is to listen to their voices. They can express ideas and suggestions through post-its and a QR code, which contains an online survey about education open until the end of August.”

The events are all connected to the Global Compact on Education, a project that Pope Francis launched to encourage renewed dedication to children’s education outside of the classroom, in their homes, and in their communities.

One of the seven commitments that form the program’s foundation can be chosen by visitors. During a meeting held on Tuesday at the Catholic University of Portugal that was sponsored by the Dicastery, the Global Compact on Education was also covered.

On Wednesday, a different panel discussion was held at the State University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Pharmacy.

The subject was the value of education, as well as “the importance of understanding education” and its connected professions, such as “teachers, professors, and so on, as a vocation.”

“It is important for young people to be attracted by these kinds of careers, ” Ms. Sciarrone affirmed, “because we can’t have a very fruitful educational relationship without teachers and professors extremely committed to their careers.”

In her final statement, Ms. Sciarrone emphasised the need to “be present in a process that gives more dignity to these professions,” emphasising how “to be a teacher and professor is not so dignified in many countries.”
