Yoga for the Young

Yoga for the Young | The knowledge review

Yoga is a form of exercise that is suitable for every age group and has been positively adapted by many individuals for their overall well-being. It serves on a holistic way as it assists in healing all the mental and physical ailments of an individual.

Inculcating this habit of yoga right from a young age will help the students understand its importance and also they will benefit from the same. Motherhoodcommunity has informative articles on meditation and yoga that will help not only adults but the young to start their meditation/yoga journey.

Often the school routine is one such monotonous and tiring, which consumes all the energy of a student. The continuous juggling between school, sports, homework, dreadful tests, and exams lead the students to toil for long hours with stress and pressure. Hence, opting for some sort of exercise is a good option and yoga certainly will relax and rejuvenate the mind, soul, and the body. An extra activity or a class of yoga will do wonders for students and benefit them in many ways. Some of them are listed down here:

· Stress-Buster

Meditation is one of the most basic steps that everyone follows while doing yoga. It is a process of focusing and radiating on all the positive energies that hold us and eradicating all the negative aspects of life. Yoga has an inherent ability to clear out the mental clutter and become more like an in the moment kind of individual, reducing the stress levels, anxiety, and bouncing back to the peace of mind.

· Weight Management

Among students, spending long hours in front of television alongside playing video games is a habit. Sitting on the sofa with a relaxed posture and consuming junk snacks while watching is very common, which often leads to obesity among children. Through yoga, weight can be controlled and a balance between good health and fit body can be built. The regular practice of suryanamaskar and asanas can maintain a proper weight and healthy lifestyle.

· Improves Memory and Grasping Power

The more clear one’s mind is, the clearer will be the focus. At a young age, the grasping power among students is high, hence it is essential that the teachers and parents make the most use of it. Through yoga, the concentration levels can be increased and the attention span can be more firm. This will have a direct benefit in the students’ academic performance and help the student to excel to its true potential.

· Develops Flexibility, Balance, and Posture

While sitting down to study for a long time or using the computer for a long stretch can lead to improper posture. Having such a posture can lead to major consequences during growing up and also affect adult life.

Practicing yoga on a regular basis will lead to correct posture, boost flexibility, and bring balance to the whole body.

· Breathing Techniques

This is one of the many reasons individuals opt for yoga, to learn breathing skills, and practice them for a healthy being. Breathing is the most essential aspect of life and good breathing affects a lot of aspects like movement, ability, posture, and handles stressful situations in a positive way. Through the practice of pranayama gaining control over the breath, which is the source of the prana- the vital life force, the students can master the technique of breathing properly and enhancing the quality of life.

Listed above were a few of the yoga benefits, but there lies many more. One of the most important factors about yoga is it encourages self-care and self-love among individuals. It is a healing from inside, connecting with one’s soul and understanding the functioning of the mind. It teaches individuals to learn to love, respect, and cherishes their bodies, as it’s what will help them to grow mentally and physical

-Apurwa Bhosale
