3 Dilemmas You May Face While at College and How to Choose Correctly


Entering college is a completely new experience. It’s not like going to the next grade at high school. College students are expected to be more organized and self-dependent. With this, new opportunities and responsibilities come along.

However scary it can be, you should know that you’re not the only one who may be struggling, especially at the beginning. Yet, the choices you will make from the very start will set a foundation for your future path and attitude to studies. So, do choose wisely, and if you hesitate, check out the tips below.

Having All A’s vs. Gaining Knowledge

Surprisingly, this is not the same. There are as many expectations from higher education as there are students. Yet, it’s not a rare case when good grades do not equal plenty of knowledge. The situation can be even worse—you may receive good grades on your major subject and still lack information to help you on the job market.

However unfortunate it can be, if you can’t change the way classes are arranged, you will have to prioritize. Be ready that the schedule won’t go as planned. Every student would love having nothing to care about except for the classes. Still, real life is not only about a cool plan but also your ability to adapt.

So, how do you adapt to the situation when you waste your time on must-go classes and assignments without much benefit to your future? First of all, get rid of the useless written tasks—delegate them to an EssayWritingService you find reliable. Second, search for the current job positions you can fit without prior job experience. Look through the most realistic ones and list the skills you need anywhere to get the position.

As soon as you know what employers in your future field of expertise value in candidates, look for the opportunities to master them within the college curriculum. The opportunities can be hidden in college clubs and extracurricular activities.

You can also try to talk to professors from your classes and ask if they could cover specific topics during lectures. It doesn’t mean they will, but that’s the easiest way. And at least, you will know you tried. In addition to improving the quality of classes this approach will show the professors that you care about the studies.

If there’s software you need to learn to work with, there are chances you can access it via the college computer classroom or classmates. All you need to do is ask around the campus and only after that search for extra sources.

Work vs. Studies

Not all students can easily afford to study without having to work at least part-time. The moment you get the job, you may already feel like being torn between classes and work. So, if you still didn’t apply for a position, look for a remote one first. It doesn’t have to be something you would proudly put on your resume or portfolio, but it’s still some experience. You can go for the position of:

  • client registration assistant;
  • copywriter;
  • quality assurance tester;
  • PMT manager;
  • editor;
  • content researcher;
  • document designer;
  • SMM manager

All of the jobs above can be performed remotely. Some even will not require you to adhere to a fixed schedule. So, you will still be able to visit all the important classes.

Obviously, if you decided to work your way through school, you’ve got no choice but to juggle both. This is possible on some days only when you buy any assignment you want from https://essayservice.com/buy-dissertation where they can ease your stress. Keep in mind that first you’ll think like your free time completely disappeared. However, most of the time, it would mean that you just need to reshape your daily schedule to make it more effective and prioritize the subjects.

Socializing vs. Studying

This is the dilemma that you will have to look at from another perspective. Often, students think that there’s only one option: you either party and visit some clubs you really like or become a socially distanced person that always puts studies first. The truth is, you’ve got to balance. Yes, correct, you’ve got to. Giving up on either of the two things won’t do you good.

If you’re a full-fledged procrastinator who tends to distract yourself from complex homework or assignments, make a reward out of meeting with someone or visiting a party. The system of rewards is an effective source of motivation that gets things done much faster. In the end, you may even not want to go to that party realizing it was just another way to get rid of an assignment.

Vice versa, if you tend to stay a recluse and study, try to do the latter together with your classmates. Use team projects to bond with them. And after you finish, you could celebrate together!


The sooner you realize that almost every dilemma you’re going to have at college is a typical one, the better. One can hardly think of something that is not manageable. However hard it may be to make a choice, the main point is that you make it yourself after deep considerations. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from specialists or those who relived the same experience. They might share valuable recommendations.
