The UK Education Secretary establishes the government’s forward-thinking AI strategy

The Education Secretary stated in a speech on March 29 that AI can potentially change teachers’ day-to-day lives. Many cutting-edge opportunities are provided by AI technology, and some schools are already making use of its potential. Others are eager to learn about and comprehend its full potential to assist in teaching future lessons.

An Overview

During her speech at the Bett show in London, Gillian Keegan will highlight the enormous potential of AI to the education and technology industries, urging them to collaborate with the government to maximize that potential and manage the risks.

The Department of Education has released a statement detailing the benefits and drawbacks of AI in education at the same time as the Education Secretary’s speech.

Schools can save money and create safe learning environments by adding cloud technology, servers and storage, filtering and monitoring, and more to the Department’s digital and technology standards.

Before being rolled out nationwide, the service will be trialed in partnership with schools in Blackpool and Portsmouth, both Priority Education Investment Areas, in September 2023.

End Note

These new announcements continue to fulfill the government’s commitments to “fix the basics” in school technology made available in the Schools White Paper in spring 2022. They build on progress toward providing targeted classroom connectivity upgrades and ensuring schools with a high-speed broadband internet connection by 2025.
