Kavita Menon: Unlocking Boundless Global Opportunities by Facilitating English Literacy
Kavita Menon
Kavita Menon

English serves as a global language, facilitating communication across various domains like education, business, travel, and technology. Proficiency in English not only unlocks new opportunities but also fosters cultural understanding and enables connections with people from diverse backgrounds. In an increasingly interconnected world, developing English language skills is essential for personal, academic, and professional growth in the 21st century.

For Indian students, English as a second language can open doors to global opportunities. Recognising its significance, Kavita Menon, a renowned English language teacher, has dedicated herself to educating and empowering students to embrace these prospects. Kavita is not only a teacher but also an entrepreneur and the author of the best-selling book, ‘Spiritual Fitness Survivor,’ available on Amazon.

Through her expertise, Kavita Menon, CEO, Founder, Director of Academics, and Master Trainer at Global Language-The Academic Partnership, equips Indian students with the necessary language skills to excel in a globally connected world. By embracing English, students can confidently pursue an international education, expand their business networks, and appreciate diverse cultures.

Kavita’s commitment goes beyond language proficiency; she instils confidence and cultural understanding, enabling students to connect with people from different backgrounds. By bridging language barriers, Kavita creates an environment where students can truly experience the benefits of global communication.

Strides in the Desired Field

Kavita began working as a communicative English teacher in 2009 and maintained that position through March 2017 at a variety of public and private institutions. Then she felt like she needed a break. She took a long break from April 2017 to December 2018, and that period of hibernation helped her better understand who she was. She went through a transitional phase before emerging as even more creative and productive than before.

All those journeys Kavita took on her own to a few nations where she had also worked for a while had given her access to more new opportunities. Her life took a complete 180- degree turn as a result of these experiences; all of her views changed, she developed emotionally, and the spiritual side of her was revealed. Her work life also underwent a big and spectacular redirection when she decided to pursue her passion for the English language as a career.

Kavita obtained several titles in the years 2018–2019, and even in January 2020; she was named a Global Education Influencer, Global Goodwill Ambassador, and Global Peace Ambassador. Additionally, on January 5th, 2020, she was recognised as an award-winning author of the book ‘Spiritual Fitness Survivor.’

Kavita became more aware of her priorities and the necessity of self-love and discipline in her life as she continued to accept herself fully. She now understands that anything is possible if one has the right desire, practise, commitment, hard effort, determination, positivism, smile, trust and faith in God and in oneself.

She established her organisation, Global Language- The Academic Partnership LLC India, in October 2019. Her first step was to become self-employed, self-disciplined, and motivated to teach ESL (English as a Second Language). She enjoys doing research and digging further to pique her interest in order to persuade others to develop, enhance, and improve their English language skills.

Enhancing English Literacy

In Kavita’s own words, “I build the module, activities, teach, meet people, grow my network, and relationships in Global Language-The Academic Partnership LLC India. I currently offer online English language sessions for a variety of age groups, ranging from 4 to 60. I also have plans to launch a classroom-based programme. As a lone proprietor, I am responsible for all of the duties, which teach me, define me, and shape who I am. And because of it, I adhere to the motto ‘Growing Better Never Stops.’”

“Starting an institution is not a child game, and I realised it between 2019-2021 because the idea of starting an institute started in 2019, but in the middle of the pandemic, it became an online sensation, and the tough time was the initial stage where I had to take it to the next level as a solo proprietorship because a journey from a teacher to an Educator and an Entrepreneur,” she adds further.

She always states, “My passion is my profession. We all know that education is a must, and over on top of that, the essence of effective communication skills is the need of an hour, and that’s what made me think from a different angle. I have served as a Communicative English teacher in different schools, colleges, freelance, and even as an Assistant Professor in my teaching journey of 15 years, but as you can see, it’s specifically in the English Language, and yes, that’s my niche.”

Kavita’s vision is to make a community of enthusiastic listeners, speakers, communicators and skilled society who can always be ready to grab the opportunities for their career, job, education, business and so on with the help of interesting, interactive and effective communication, and more a teaching community who should be first a listener, and a learner and a patient educator.

Her mission is to make communication, especially with the use of languages, in a certain way so that people love to listen, talk and be provided with multiple opportunities so that they can learn a culture and a language while experiencing it through the cultural and student exchange program across the globe.

Learn, Unlearn and Relearn

Challenges have been the first step to success for Kavita because, from her school days, her pronunciation of certain words was different. She used to be quite a good reader, but that always made her a topic to get bullied by some of her classmates. But when she looks behind the timeline, she realises that she actually made a journey with skill in its rightful manner. She is still learning, unlearning and relearning for the next big steps.

If education provides certifications, name and fame, then effective communication skill provides opportunities across the globe. Mastering something is different, but having an attitude with an aptitude makes the difference. Kavita believes that to acquire a skill, one doesn’t need to be educated, but just the three simple steps of learn, unlearn and relearn are enough.

For now, making English language learning and other foreign languages interesting, interactive and effective with collaborations across the globe is in her future plans. She is also keen on providing Languages, Linguistics and Translation services of GL-TAP (Global Language-The Academic Partnership) B2C & B2B and adding more programs and courses based on English as a Second Language and English for specific purposes. She is planning to prepare more trainers for enthusiastic and passionate English language teaching through the course while opening job opportunities with Global Language as well.
