Call for Proposals in the framework of the Council of Europe Toolkit ‘Language Support for Adult Refugees’

Council of Europe Toolkit

The Council of Europe Education Department is announcing a request for national/local initiatives aiming at distributing and improving the ‘Language Support for Adult Refugees’ Toolkit as part of the Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants (LIAM) initiative.

The Toolkit was created to help volunteer and professional educators provide language support to adult refugees in order to help them learn fundamental communication skills in their host country’s language(s).

This request for ideas has a budget of up to 30 000 Euros available. A total of 12 awards of up to 5000€ each will be given out.

Your project idea might include volunteer/teacher training, communication and visibility activities/products (leaflets, websites/videos/social media), or any other action targeted at spreading the Toolkit. To add to the Toolkit, project proposals may create and test new ideas, techniques, and/or tools.

Your project must be completed between September 1, 2021, and December 15, 2021. The application deadline is June 25, 2021.
