#CancelAllExams trends, as Indian, Pakistan students unite online

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With opposition to tests becoming stronger amid the epidemic, students from India and Pakistan have banded together to petition education ministers not to take exams this year, with the hashtag #CancelAllExams trending on Twitter on Thursday (27th May, 2021).

The CBSE stated on Monday that the class 12th examinations will take place in July and August. The Karnataka administration has decided to hold examinations and has stated that they would be held in July. This comes after a meeting on May 23 with Union ministries of defence and education, among others.

According to reports, the union has sought input from state governments on how to arrange Class 12 examinations for CBSE Board students, and a decision is due shortly. Meanwhile, the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE), which administers the ICSE and ISC exams, has set June 1 as the date for the Class 12 board test.

The president and founder of Bangalore student explained: Students in India and Pakistan have banded together to #CancelAllExams. For decades, we have witnessed a destructive competitive culture in both countries that have prioritised tests over health and life. It’s past time for the ministers of academia of this country to put students’ interests ahead of their cronies in the educational establishment.

Image credits – Jeswin Thomas/unsplash.com
