Chetan Bhamare: Instilling Education’s Fun, Joyful, and Authentic Experience Among Students

Chetan Bhamare
Chetan Bhamare | English Lecturer, RJSPM- ACS College

The protagonist of this story is an erudite personality who is passionate about the English language, its exploration, and its importance in the global world. He comes from a place which is at much disadvantage when it comes to education. Hence, understanding the importance of learning to humankind, he decided to venture out and do something right by the people.

Let’s hear the journey of Chetan Bhamare, an English Lecturer, RJSPM- ACS College, in his own words.

Please introduce yourself to our readers and your journey as a teacher.

I am Prof. Chetan Ramesh Bhamare, MA (English) B. Ed., currently serving as a full-time English lecturer at RJSPM’s Arts, Commerce & Science, Bhosari, Pune. I have also worked at BMC College, Pune, as full-time faculty. My passion for inculcating educational values has also availed me an opportunity to serve as a teacher at MC Square Academy, Pune. I have been serving the educational fraternity since 2010.

The journey as a teacher has been remarkable and very eventful. As English is the language that is followed across the globe, I always strive hard to set high standards while teaching so that my pupils can chase their dreams. I look to get the entire class passionate about language learning. I love every single bit, every moment delivering the lecture to my lovable students.

What inspired you to become an educational influencer? And how are you bringing the change? Please elaborate.

My inspiration has always been my family and the place where I belong to. I come from a small village named Khondamali situated in the Nandurbar district in the north-west corner of Maharashtra state in India. This land comprises a majority of Adivasis with limited educational facilities, job opportunities, health facilities, and a high rate of illiteracy. These factors had a great influence on me, and realizing how education can be a stepping stone for mankind, I decided to pursue a teaching profession so that I can make a difference.

I personally believe that education should be fun and joyful, creating authentic experiences and connections in learning is vital. I often offer opportunities in the classroom for real-life lessons. I am a firm believer in giving them a glimpse of the real world.

Tell us about what teaching and learning look like in your school, and how do you communicate that vision?

I believe that education is more exploration than slogging for passing examinations and tests. It feels great seeing Indian Education System is marching towards excellence by innovating all the time. Our

Junior College has a wonderful education campus with all the required facilities and makes every possible effort to make education fun. Experienced campaigners support the system immensely and implant a sense of pride in whatever the students do.

According to you, how has education changed over the years, and how do you keep up with the rapid changes?

As apprised earlier, the education system has taken giant strides of late and has a drastic change in the system conduct. I feel there is always room for improvement in every procedure that is being followed. Education has changed a lot over a decade.

Implementation of an interesting curriculum, the emergence of online education, and hands-on practice have done a world of good. Interestingly, institutes, schools, and other educational organizations have responded remarkably well and have adopted the changes considering those as the need of the hour. Teachers have also updated and upgraded themselves to acclimatize to these eventful changes. Education is no longer a burden, that’s for sure.

How do you adapt your curriculum to prepare the students for the unknown and volatile future?

It is very important to forecast the academic year calendar and follow it with utter precision. For effective learning, a teacher must become a student first to read the mindset of students and evaluate what exactly needs to be done and where the improvement is required.

In this highly competitive environment, students should be mentored well. Whatever the content I teach, I let the students apply that knowledge to real-life occurrences. After all, a country relies heavily on the youth, and it should be in safe hands.

What obstacles have you faced in your career as a teacher?

I have a part of an eventful journey right from my school days. I had to commute around 16km each day for schooling and college as well. After master’s, I was fortunate to serve BMC College, Pune, where I contributed for three years and then to RJSPM ACS College, Pune. The road has been very interesting, and I think I have made a difference in the life of my beloved students, that for me is my “Guru Dakshina.”

What would you tell those who are seeking to become influencers in the field of education?

I would highly recommend the education influencers to work hard, dedicate themselves while chasing the dreams and trust the process. God will reward you. Be a lifelong learner always. Education is much more charming and intriguing than the temptations of distractions unnecessary.

What goals have you set yourself for the upcoming years?

I always had a dream of availing quality education and facilities for the underprivileged students at my native place. In the upcoming years, I will look to accomplish that goal by setting up a school.
