Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing: The Epitome of Excellence in Nursing Education

D. Y. Patil College of Nursing

The question, ‘Why Nursing?’ is often encountered by those who choose Nursing as their major. This is an eternal question and there remains no definite answer. However, Christina Feist-Heilmeier in her book attempts to answer this question by saying, “Every Nurse was drawn to Nursing because of a desire to care, to serve, or to help.

Every Nurse you meet has a different reason, a different story that persuaded them to choose this profession. However, though various reasons exist, there will always remain one constant aspect; their desire to serve. Nursing can be defined both as an art and science; a heart and a mind. At their heart, lies the fundamental respect for human dignity and an intuition for all patients’ needs. Nurses are the glue that holds a patient’s health care journey together. Across the entire patient experience, and wherever there is someone in need of care, Nurses work tirelessly to identify and protect the needs of the individual.

However, beyond this time-honored reputation for compassion, also lies a highly specialized profession. Over time, similar to other sectors, Nursing too is constantly evolving to address the needs of society. Starting from ensuring that patients avail accurate diagnosis, personalized care, to empowering the public about critical health issues, Nurses play an indispensable role in safeguarding everyone’s health.

Nursing would in the future, further expand its scope and nurses would emerge as more than essential support staff. Rather, they would primarily play the role of a physician, globally and thus meeting the growing needs of the increasing population. Hence, the world would always need and always be in debt of Nurses.

Recognizing this growing demand, Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing, one of the most prestigious and only college for Nursing in the PCMC area, Pune has taken the responsibility of turning out exceptionally skilled nurses. It nurtures aspiring individuals into professional nurses and prepare them to serve the human community.

Praiseworthy Accreditations

The College’s continued endeavor is to be globally recognized as the center of excellence for both research and education. It also wants to shape the future of individuals to build a healthy nation. The university envisions to excel Nursing care in education and service through research. Equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure, experienced faculties, the college caters to every educational need of its students.

A constituent unit of Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, Pune (Deemed to be University), Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing is an ISO 9001: 2015 Certified University. It has also been re-accredited by NAAC with a CGPA of 3.62 on a four-point scale at ‘A’ Grade. Additionally, this center of excellence has been declared as a Category – I University by UGC under Graded Autonomy Regulations, 2018. Dr. D.Y Patil Vidyapeeth has secured 20th rank in medical category, 70th rank in overall category & 46th rank in University category in India (NIRF – 2019)

History in Making

The foundation stone of Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing was laid in 2000 and since then there has been no turning back. The college has gradually evolved and grown to become one of the top-ranked institutions for Nursing in the country. Starting from 2014 to 2019, it has completed 59 research publications, 155 dissertations (submitted by Post Graduate students), and 6 PhD theses have been completed and13 are ongoing along with 4 interdisciplinary researches. Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing with its findings and skilled Nursing graduates are marching ahead to rejuvenate the health care sector.

The Nursing Department

Comprising of the largest component of hospital staff, Nurses are the primary providers of hospital patient care. One of the most important roles of nurses is that of a patient advocate, as they spend more time with patients than physicians. Nurses affect human lives by the very nature of their profession, hence it is very important that they require the right education, acquire a contemporary skill-set and experience.

Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing ensures that all the aforesaid particulars are met. The college is well equipped with most modern infrastructure, dedicated, qualified and experienced faculty, advanced and conclusive educational and co-curricular facilities. The goal of this college is to sculpt competent graduates in Nursing, who are capable of providing comprehensive Nursing care. The college also prepares postgraduate Nurses to assume responsibilities as Nurse Specialists, Health consultants, educators, administrators and to play other roles as well.

The teachers of College of Nursing use various teaching methodologies such as PBL, Demonstration, Simulation, and Discussion. In clinical area students make presentations based upon patient’s diagnosis.

Modern technologies in teaching and learning are used, due to availability of smart boards in class rooms whereby teaching can be done with videos and power point presentations. Students are able to use smart board for seminar presentations, practice teaching sessions, & micro teaching lessons. Students can access through Enterprise Resource Planning the E-learning material & E- resources specially designed & prepared for them.

Students are exposed to well equipped state of art skill laboratories before they get posted in clinical area.

The courses offered in the field of Nursing include Basic B.Sc in Nursing, Post Basic B.Sc Nursing, and M.Sc in Nursing. Upon completing the required course, one can also pursue a Ph.D. in Nursing. The duration of Basic B.Sc in Nursing is 4 years, Post Basic B.Sc is 2 years, M.Sc in Nursing is 2 years, Ph.D. is 3 to 5 years and Certificate Course in Critical Care Nursing is 6 months. The college also gives provisions for students to opt for certificate courses in Critical Care Nursing.

Having mastered the theoretical knowledge, the students also gain practical knowledge. The students get rich clinical experience in its 1950-bedded, owned hospital. The campus also hosts laboratories, lecture halls & auditorium, an excellent central library with the latest reference books & journals. The campus is also Wi-Fi enabled and has 2 air-conditioned auditorium with seating capacity of 200 & 1000 and air – conditioned seminar hall with up to 100 seating capacity.

Life After Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing

Since its inception, the college has succeeded in turning out exceptional and competent Nursing graduates. And while it will continue to do so, let us have a look at the myriad of opportunities that lay ahead of the Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing graduates.

Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Nursing helps its students at every step of their professional and educational journey. The college conducts regular career counseling for students who prefer to go abroad for further studies. The college’s collaboration with John Hopkins University, USA allows students who opt to study further and graduate with an international degree.

Students, upon graduating, get 100% placement in government Hospitals, reputed private hospitals, and other institutions. Students who prefer to go abroad, also get placed in various multi-specialty hospitals and other institutions in countries including, USA, Canada, Australia. New Zealand, and UAE, and also has an MOU with NARI. In the coming years, the colleges also plan on collaborating with OSAKA University, Japan for extensive research activities and also plan to sign an MOU with Nord University Norway and SPPU Pune

Empowering Nursing Education

Rightful Nursing education is a matter of prominent interest in this college. It goes the extra mile to enhance Nursing education in the country. The University has been organizing Continuous Nursing Education for Maharashtra Nursing Council for two years, for all the staff nurses and faculties from Maharashtra State, to promote and enhance practical knowledge and to improve their skills. The college also organizes workshops to improve and update with recent research activities by doing a paper presentation, poster presentation in National and International Conferences. All the faculties and staff nurses of the hospital regularly conduct ongoing CNE.

To learn more about the University, visit: https://nursing.dypvp.edu.in/


There is always a driving force that drives any organization or institution towards the zeniths of success and helps it achieve its mission. Here, it is Dr. Prasad Dattajirao Patil,Chancellor, Dr. D. Y. Patil University, Pune and Chairman, Dr. D. Y. Patil Vidya Pratishthan Society, Pune. The importance of higher education is universally acknowledged, but few people act on it. However, Dr. Patil has made ‘Empowerment through Knowledge’ his life ’s mission. His work ethos reflects in having a capacity for meticulous planning, vigorous implementation, and leading from the front as also a down to – earth, people centric approach. His immense contribution to Socio-Economic Transformation through the creation of world-class educational facilities, in various disciplines of education, from Kindergarten to Post graduation (KG to PG) is an outcome of an innate desire to serve the nation.

Dr. P. D. Patil in tends to educate future generations and empower them to change the fate of India and acquire a rightful niche in the world. It is through this, that he yearns, to envision India, our motherland, to be a superpower, in terms of economic, political, educational, cultural and spiritual contexts.

It is worth mentioning that Dr. P. D. Patil has created the Dr. D. Y. Patil Medical College, Hospital & Research Center to such a stature that the Medical Council of India has increased the intake capacity of the MBBS course from 250 seats and has sanctioned 218 seats for Post Graduate Degree Course in all the specialties of medicine. The MCI has also permit ted this college to conduct Super Specialty Courses in Neuro -Surgery Urology. The admission strength is perhaps the largest in any private medical colleges.
