Education Centre of Australia: One of the most Sought-After Education Groups for International Students

Education Centre of Australia

“Its mission is to provide quality educational experiences, project-based learning opportunities, and professional internships for a successful global career”

A good educator opens the mind of the students to the wonderful world of learning. They help a student realise their potential by unlocking their inner passion for growth. A student needs inspiration at every step of their learning journey. And a good educator always mentors the student through good and bad times to ensure that they find the path to success.  One such globally recognized, supportive, and aspiring institute that has a plethora of eminent educators under its roof is Education Centre of Australia.

ECA started off by offering just English language courses 15 years ago. Since then it has evolved into a multi-sector education group offering a huge range of in-demand courses in Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. The centre now teaches more than 7,000 students per year from 40 different countries with a goal: to be the best version of themselves and find great career opportunities.

The institute focuses on employability. They know that learning can be fun and challenging. But in itself it’s of limited value if it does not provide students with true marketability. Thus, they pride themselves on producing employable graduates. They work with the objective to prepare their graduates for the workforce and assist them in finding greater career opportunities in Australia and other countries. To transform this objective, ECA nurtures its students on both the hard skills that are traditionally taught in the classroom and on the soft skills that help make its graduates employable in the global market.

Offerings of ECA and Accreditations

ECA offers a range of business, information technology, and other related courses which are designed at par with the industry needs.

They inculcate knowledge among students that is holistically based on real-world applications and applied learning and even offer their students with an opportunity to take internships in Australia.

ECA is a CRICOS registered provider of courses for international students. They are accredited by TEQSA (for higher education options) and ASQA (for vocational programs). Additionally, it has been awarded the first ever 25 year continuous NEAS-accredited English school for its ELSIS School.

ECA is proud to partner with a number of quality Australian universities and companies, including its 10-year partnership with Victoria University.

The Leading Light of ECA

Rupesh Kumar Singh is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of ECA. He always has worked to ensure that international students have a better experience and more support to guarantee their success. Rupesh realized many years ago that a great educational experience for an international student involves many things: great educators; a friendly and supportive environment; help with finding jobs; accommodation; and general welfare support.

“ECA today continues to offer superior support services for all students to ensure that they enjoy their studies and thrive in Australia. Every member of the ECA staff is carefully selected for their attention to great service. And student satisfaction and success is the measure of success of ECA,” asserts Rupesh.

Facilities That Assist in Career Development

When students commence studies at ECA, it provides a wide range of support services to them, especially socializing events at both on-campus as well as off-campus. Their socializing events assist students to make new friends and strengthen their local support network that ultimately boost their education and career journey in Australia in a constructive way.

The institute understands the importance of financial stability and thus offers opportunity to its students for paid job once they become the part of ECA. “The work is important from a financial perspective, but it’s also part of the learning experience,” said the CEO.

Scholarship and Services

ECA offers a range of scholarships which are available from time to time. However, their aim is to make its education affordable whilst ensuring it is of top quality. Therefore, they have grown enormously over the years and are now one of the most in-demand education groups in Australia for international students.

It also offers the ECA Advantage: this is a range of support services and soft skill training to ensure that all its students get the best possible chance to find work and great careers in Australia. “Additionally the ECA Internships division offers unpaid internships and professional work experience to all ECA graduates,” concludes the CEO.

“Word of Trust”

“My experience with ECA has been great and invaluable. The Student Services and Learning Support teams are very friendly and approachable. They are dedicated in providing assistance to us, students. I’ve learned so much from them as they have provided me with useful insights and tremendous support that made living far away from home easier for me. This support had encouraged me to be independent and thrive academically. The ECA Student Services and Academic teams had given me opportunities that help me grow personally and professionally, such as mentoring, conducting tutorial classes and assisting Student Services with administrative tasks. I’m glad and proud to be part of ECA.” – Sherrybe Raymundo – Philippines
