FIITJEE Announces POSAT, to be held on 2nd August 2020


In the present lock-down situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, FIITJEE-India’s one of the leading institutes for engineering entrance exams facilitated the Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT). The first Proctored Online Scholarship Examination is expected to take place on 2 August 2020 where students are going to take the exam from home.

The Proctored Online Scholarship cum Admission Test (POSAT) is designed for students currently studying in Class XI or those who have already completed Class XII and wish to register for IITJEE & plan to enter the FIITJEE Classroom/Live Online Classroom Program. Only those students who have already entered the FIITJEE classroom program during the lockdown can take this exam via Home-Based Online Admission Tests.

A 3-tier Proctoring Method will be introduced where the first-tier is operated by Artificial Intelligence, the second-tier Live Online Invigilator and the third-tier is Post Test Proctoring by the Examination Supervisor with the aid of periodic Images Recorded during the test, Video Recording and Click-by-click audit trail of the student.
During the test, students’ all acts and behaviors will be registered and tracked remotely. Proctor is alerted if the student is suspected of cheating through a log of suspicious user behavior and audio-visual activities that are registered during the exam. Proctor can give a message to the applicant at any time via a conversation, as a proctor will tell if he doesn’t like something about the candidate or his surroundings.

After the test, all suspicious activity reports are reviewed by the Examination Supervisor who refers to the candidate photos that are collected on a periodic basis and recorded video along with all the alerts that were produced during the test.

Using technology to ensure that the right talent is rewarded, FIITJEE is the first institution in the country to administer POSAT.
