How Not to Get into Trouble with Converting DGB to BTC?


Currently, millions of people are getting familiar with cryptocurrencies and their market. As a result, more and more exchanges, wallets, and platforms are emerging where you can store and manage your digital funds. Although with many options, there is a risk of losing money. Let’s take a look at how to avoid unpleasant surprises and unnecessary monetary losses when converting DGB to BTC.

How to use DGB to BTC Converter

Once you decide to convert DGB to BTC, it makes sense that you want to do so at the best exchange rate. In this case, use the platform that has a DGB to BTC converter, which analyzes the market offers and compares them to choose the best one. Usually, a cryptocurrency calculator is simple and user-friendly. Therefore, understanding the functionality of this tool will not be difficult for absolutely any Internet user. Even if you have no experience in dealing with such services, you will surely figure it out.

Following next steps will make DGB to BTC conversion a piece of cake:

Step 1. Select necessary digital coins. In the left column, select DGB, in the right one – BTC.

Step 2. Enter the amount of DigiBytes you want to sell.

Step 3. Click on the “Exchange” button.

Step 4. Type in your wallet address, check it and click on the “Exchange” button again.

Risks of converting DGB to BTC 

With the help of modern exchanges, converting cryptocurrencies is faster and more convenient than ever, so that even a beginner can cope with this task. However, there are several factors to consider in order to avoid unnecessary expenses and save your funds.

Some exchange platforms may offer good rates, but also contain additional or hidden fees.

Also, due to the volatility of cryptocurrencies, the rate may change during the conversion process, so in the end you may get a different amount than was promised at the beginning of the transaction.

Another intimidating threat is cyberattacking and personal data theft.

And the last risk is a human factor: if the recipient’s wallet address is entered incorrectly, you will simply lose your money.How to avoid risks when converting DGB to BTC

Simply put, you can secure the conversion process by taking the above risks into account and choosing reliable platforms. Choose a platform that:

  • analyzes market offers to find the best rate;
  • uses rate fixer to hold rate at the level that was at the beginning of conversion;
  • does not collect personal information and uses modern protection against cyber attacks;
  • transparent and honest without any additional or hidden commissions.

As a bonus, there are lots of affiliate programs offered by exchanges to attract more clients. They will allow you to increase your income by informing your friends or subscribers about useful services.

Once you find a reliable exchange, take your time to convert and verify all billing information, before sending BTC to your wallet.

By following these pearls of wisdom, you will be confident in what you are doing and will not run into trouble.
