HRD seeks parents’ feedback on when to reopen schools

reopen schools

The Department of Education and Literacy, part of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, sent a letter to the States and Union Territories to seek input from parents of school-going children as to when they will be happy re-opening schools — August, September or October 2020.

The Ministry has given the Member States a three-day deadline (including Saturday and Sunday) to provide input.

The two main questions to which the Ministry has requested answers are:

(a) When is the likely timeframe that they should be satisfied with the re-opening of schools—August/September/October 2020

(b) When are the parents’ aspirations of the schools when and when they re-open.

Although an official in the department stated that the letter had been sent to the States on Friday, email, SMS and a call to the Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, went unanswered.

Although the deadline for parents’ reviews has been set as Monday, it appears like many schools are not yet aware of the same.

The Unlock-2 Guidelines released by the Ministry of Home Affairs on June 29 required schools, colleges, educational establishments, and coaching establishments to remain closed until July 31, 2020.
