IIIT- Delhi Anchor the Offline Summer Camp for Deprived Students

The Indraprastha Institute of Information and Technology (IIIT- Delhi) will host a physical summer camp from May 23 to June 18 on the campus. For the last two years, the campus has run the command in hybrid mode due to the restrictions enforced to accommodate the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Since 2016, IIIT-Delhi has organized this camp every year to provide a learning environment and skill development for the economically deprived students from nearby government schools. The university’s primary objective for hosting these summer camps is to build students’ confidence and ambition by enhancing their skills in logic and aptitude, general science, communication, and entrepreneurship.

The economically disadvantaged students will get a chance to enhance their skills and explore the different academic learnings in various subjects, including hands-on science, math, entrepreneurship, life skills, or communication and personality development.

The series of activities conducted in IIIT-Delhi are theatre, arts and crafts, reading and writing, product development and selling, and other fun activities.
