Importance of English for the Youth

Anup Y. AttavarConnecting Indians | the education magazine

The vital importance of having mastery over the lingua franca i.e. English, the inter-national language of the world, to succeed in this era of globalization cannot be over emphasized. It is a fact that several bright students from even very good medical and engineering colleges in India are not able to progress in their careers only because of the lack of communication skills and command of English. On the other hand, academically very average students are able to go much ahead and become decision makers at a young age due to their mastery over English.

Though English is not the most spoken language in the world, it is the official language of the world. Most technical/scientific journals that are of immense importance to the community of scientists, engineers and doctors are in English. Communication among business leaders and executives of different countries is predominantly in English. When one accesses the internet, most of the information is in English. Research conducted in universities in countries like US and UK and their findings are in English.

The importance of English language and its widespread use as a global lingua franca has increased due to globalization. For the past several decades, USA and UK have held sway over international relations and global diplomacy. This has made sure the acceptance of English as the chief language spoken in several nations. Diplomats and other senior officials of nations whose native language is not English are learning English so as to be able to understand and appreciate the finer points in global diplomacy. There are plenty of online resources like English with Lucy that can help in learning English.

With the constantly evolving technology in the telecommunications and IT enabled services sectors, and the giant contribution made by Indians in the global software and computer arena, those Indian techies who are well versed in English, stand to benefit tremendously from the myriad opportunities. Indians abroad are shouldering key responsibilities in large corporations as much due to their mastery over English as over their technical expertise. All over the world, speaking English immediately opens up opportunities. Being able to communicate with foreign clients and business partners will provide an edge over others for better positions in one’s career. English is thus a medium of communication in international trade. The knowledge of English is imperative in India to communicate and for transactions in inter-state business.

Thousands of citizens of developing countries including India are migrating every year to US in search of better fortunes either through admissions for higher studies or on work permits. For international careers in engineering, medicine, aviation and education, good knowledge of English is a must. In order to make a success of their dreams in the land of opportunities, it is essential that they possess a good knowledge of English. The world has become a global village and the significance of English cannot be overemphasized. Due to the latest technology, communications and the internet, all countries are coming closer. Information is shared instantly and almost all of these are through the English language, which is ensuring that the countries come virtually closer.

English is the medium of communication in the technologically advanced countries of the world. In the best universities for higher education which are mainly in the US, English is used as the scientific language for inventions and discoveries. There is a beeline by engineers and other professionals from all over the world including India for pursuing higher studies in US. As part of the admission process of most US universities, engineering graduates and graduates in other fields intending to pursue MS or PhD have to appear for an exam known as GRE (Graduate Record Examination). The GRE tests the students’ Quantitative abilities and Verbal abilities in English. In addition, the aspirants are tested in Analytical Writing.

They are also required to appear for the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Some American universities may ask aspirants for admission, to write the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) instead of TOEFL. The aspirants for higher studies are also required to write a Statement of Purpose, giving their career goals and analyzing their academic and professional achievements. Professionals seeking admission for MBA education in US schools of management have to appear for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test) and are also tested in Analytical Writing. They have also to answer some questions put forth by the business schools as part of their application for admission. These require a fairly high level of knowledge of English, especially in the top US universities and management schools.

Apart from US, students also go for further education to countries like UK, Australia, Singapore, New Zealand, etc, where English is the medium of instruction as also the mode of communication. Thus it is up to parents, educators and policy makers to encourage the students to study English from a young age, for their own future and for the progress of our Nation.

About the Author

Anup Y. Attavar, an alumnus of Loyola High School, Pune and Fergusson College, Pune is a mechanical engineer from College of Engineering Pune (COEP), with a Post Graduate Qualification in International Trade from Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, (IIFT) New Delhi.

Mentor, motivator, author, creative writer, and educational content developer, Anup possesses formidable writing skills, as manifested in his book ‘World Famous Indian Scientists’, which motivates the youth to achieve excellence in their personal lives and professional careers.

Anup has leveraged his effective communication skills, excellent command of English language and his passion for nation building by his powerful creative writing on topics of national interest and importance, thus connecting with the youth and the student community.

He has been an academic pillar of support for school students as well as young professionals from places across India, and has been instrumental in fulfilling their aspirations in pursuit of higher studies in developed countries.

Anup guides graduate engineers, doctors, and post graduates (in various disciplines) [in writing their statements of purpose (SOP) and international scholarship/GMAT essays & analytical writing], who aspire for admission to Master’s/PhD Programs in Universities in USA, Germany, UK, Canada, Australia, France, and so on.

Anup is adept at crafting forceful letters to the top management of corporate entities – in the process, sending strong messages to the ‘powers that be’ that stir them into action. He writes thought-provoking speeches, tailor-made for senior corporate executives, aimed at target audiences, and appropriate for the occasion. He also drafts citations for renowned personalities.
