In Education Report: IITs in Offshore should Offer Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Mining Programmes

In Education Report: IITs in Offshore should Offer Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Mining Programmes

In an education report, among other recommendations, the Education Ministry also noted that the suggested offshore IIT campuses should provide undergraduate degree programs in Artificial Intelligence, Mining, Data Science, Robotics, and energy.

According to the official reports, all these courses have been considered by the centre, based on abroad Indian embassies’ feedback, and it has reached the host country’s authorities to attract the demand of several disciplines in their respective nations.

Further, the report stated that the survey appears that most universities in the country that have been chosen initially to have undergraduate programs in conventional disciplines. The ambassadors of the identified host country have shared the feedback.

Most often, mentioned disciplines are related to computer science or Information technology, AI, machine learning, data sciences or robotics, metallurgy, petroleum, mining, energy electronics and electrical.
