In Seoul’s Nursery Schools, Trial Is on For Robot Teaching Assistance

Seoul’s Nursery Schools

The city government of Seoul began a pilot project, where pint-sized robots are being used as teaching assistance to kindergartens children. The initiative would aid prepare the next gen students ready for a hi-tech future.

A tiny, 24.5 cm tall ‘Alpha Mini’ recites poems and stories, sings along, dances and even do kung-fu while helps in learning the kg nursery children, who are excited and enjoying the learning. They are imitating the robot’s one-legged balances and push-ups.

The robot is wearing a helmet on which mounted a camera to take and instantly share pictures to a tablet for viewing. Also, its tiny eyes can wink and blink, and the miniscule pupils turns heart shape while speaking.

The government is recommending the trial program for children aged in between three and five from nursery and childcare centers. Initially, the government is trialing the program in 300 such places in the Seoul city.
