Intelligence7: Become a successful stock market trader 

Kunal Shrivastava | Founder and CEO | Intelligence7

If you are interested in making a career in stock market but are looking for guidance to do it in the right manner, Intelligence7 is just the place for you. From providing some very essential courses to equip the students with smart trading skills to helping them get a strong foothold in the market with their unflinching support, Intelligent7 has carved a niche for itself. It is a well-known name among traders and the hotspot for learners.

About Intelligence7

Intelligence7 is a group of professional and renowned traders and investors, founded in the year 2011 by Kunal Shrivastava (Founder and CEO) and Pulak Priyesh (Co-Founder). Passion towards investment and trading in the stock market brought them together. The duo says that they know how to dive in the ocean full of waves and tides.

Dynamic courses are taught by distinguished teachers who help students polish their skills. They have 5000 plus students, three branches and more than 70 percent profitable traders.

The institute provides industry requisite courses which largely benefits students as well as working professionals in choosing, exploring, and propelling their careers in the finance industry. Experienced financial experts to provide comprehensive education, training, and investment solutions.

Mission and values

Our success is all because of the passion and team efforts. The institute aspires to excel in educating people about the stock market and how to invest in shares and committing to greatness in long-lasting learning and strengthening in the field of financial markets by giving quality content to improve and prepare all around. We focus on enhancing the knowledge of one by making it so that it is available to all.


Our vision is to create awareness about the stock market and make the financial market even handed, free and productive in a manner that each speculator gets an opportunity to win reasonable returns. In addition, they also emphasise high moral standard and self-administrative norms to enable proficiency and decency because they believe that rules and guidelines are equally important.

Key personalities

Kunal Shrivastava (Founder and CEO) and Pulak Priyesh (Co-Founder) have always had the passion for investment and the desire to help people out with their finances. Thus, they came up with a unique concept called Intelligence7 that would not only help traders but also students aspiring to make their mark in the field of stock markets. They have been featured on national television several times.

Courses offered

Equity Derivatives: Master Trader

This is a Beginner module, a unique course that acts as the guiding stone for your paths towards understanding various facts of the financial market. It will help you understand the functioning of capital markets in detail like Equities Trading, Futures Trading, Options Trading, Commodity Trading, and Currency Trading, etc are covered in the course. This course will help them to take the right decision & making a profit.

Options: Champion Trader

Options are the resourceful financial instruments, though, options can be complicated and risky. Intelligence7 Option trading pro-aid in understanding the employment of Options which are used worldwide to hedge not only the portfolio risk but also to maximize the return on investments. The study focuses on different kinds of Options, and option trading strategies.

Technical Analysis: Pro Trader

This smart trading course enables the learning of a strong trading methodology. This course is focused mainly on the learning and understanding of the trading patterns, trading strategies, trading psychology, and money-making techniques. It is an amalgamation of theoretical knowledge and practical expertise of the art of trading.

Advanced technical: Expert Trader

This trading course enables the learning of a strong trading methodology with a vast technical analysis right from the beginning to the expert level, winning strategies, and methods to control the emotions. This also includes a personal mentorship program under the supervision of India’s topmost traders.

Fundamental Analysis

The course gives you powerful insight into a profitable investment strategy. Participants will have hands-on training on various fundamental analysis software. The course explores the psychology of successful investors. It is important to understand the self before risking your saving in financial markets as 90% of success in markets is attributed to trading psychology.

Mentorship Module

This course enables the learning of a strong trading methodology. It includes a vast technical analysis right from the beginning to the expert level, winning strategies, and methods to control the emotions, say the founders of Intelligence7. This is an intense 90-days course which include a personal mentorship program under the supervision of Intelligence7 traders and the opportunity to sit by the side of experts and learn the complete in and out of every aspect of trading.

Areas of expertise

The expertise of Intelligence7 lies in the areas of equity, futures, options (derivatives), commodities (MCX), currency and hand holding practice. The management excels in domain knowledge, capital syndication alternatives with remarkable transaction execution capabilities and are well-connected to leading private equity funds, banks, and financial institutions. Independent advice is given on debt and capital raising, mergers and acquisition, financial reconstructing, valuation with due diligence for clients. Besides, these the company also specialises in risk management, risk analysis, fund allocation, portfolio diversification, pattern analysis, valuation methodology, planning and prioritizing, position sizing and time management. These are the major areas where every individual needs real time guidance during live market from a trader to understand and become a professional trader.

Career options and institution’s support

Intelligence7 gives100 percent job placement and self-independent assurance written on registered legal agreement make them the most sought-after institute.

Services offered

Financial planning
Insurance solution
Demat Account

Why Intelligence7?

Live market support
Unlimited doubt clearing sessions
Extensive course material
Consultation on trades

Future Plans

There is a general perception among people that stock market is gambling, and we are trying our best to change such perceptions. Trading and investment are all about the knowledge, skills, technology, emotion control and discipline, which we want to spread among all. We often read the success stories about investors and traders and get inspiration from them. One day we will change society through our efforts, and we will definitely create awareness and bring the change.

Impact of Covid-19

The outbreak of novel coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of us severely. During this pandemic, the stock market was also struck both in a good and bad way. Where the number of Covid-19 cases increases, it has a significant negative effect on the global financial market as well as Indian stock market.

COVID-19 had a negative impact on stock markets which was only for the short term on affected countries. Along with this, the impact of Covid-19 on stock markets had bidirectional spill-over effects between Asian, European, and American countries. The major effect of the coronavirus on the stock markets is less in freer countries. In other words, the stock markets of less-free countries are affected by the same size of the increase in the number of coronavirus cases.

There are many companies that are not able to generate profits in short as well as long term, and some of them need a major restructuring. The pandemic such as Covid-19 will cause such companies to exit the market or may provide them with an opportunity to restructure. After the event of such pandemic, only those companies tend to exist in the market whose fundamentals are strong, and since the drag is flushed out, the market will touch new heights.

During this pandemic, the number of participants has increased as everything was closed except the market. So, the major working-class professionals joined the stock market for learning and then investing.

Achievements, Accolades, Awards

  • Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering – Workshop on Technical Analysis for two days in Kumaraswamy layout branch.
  • SEA College of Engineering – Workshop on Technical Analysis for the Management students.
  • Bangalore Insider – Interviewed as the best mentorship for the stock market including the real-time trading strategies.
  • Bourse Consultancy LLP – Conducted workshops on Money Management, Negotiation Skills, Customer experience, and Team building.
  • Wealth Discovery Group – Workshops on Trading Strategy building, Decision making, and Time management.
  • JSPM University – Conducted workshops on Equity Derivatives, Equity Psychology, and Behavioural Skills.
  • Silicon India Magazine – Interviewed as Promised Educational Deliverable and rewarded as Best Educational Academy Certificate.
  • ZEE Business – Recognized as Top Trader of Karnataka as Sensex ka Sultan and rewarded with the certificate.
