KIET Group of Institutions Successfully Organized Tobacco Marshal Training Program


KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad organized a Tobacco Marshal Training Program for Proctors, Rectors and student members of the Ek Prays club at KIET Campus. The training program focussed on the role of Tobacco Marshals and how they can bring change in the society. They were trained on all the aspects related to tobacco abuse that include the forms of smoking and Non-tobacco smoking products like herbal cigarette and herbal beedi that have been made available and marketed as aids to cessation. Various issues required for proper intervention and mitigation, reasons of starting tobacco, types of smoking i.e., SHS, THS and how they are affecting our youth and coming generation were also discussed.

The program began with the welcome address by Dr. Anil Ahlawat, Dean Academics, who focussed on the importance of enforcement of tobacco control policies in the society and onboarded the eminent speakers, viz. Dr. Pawan Gupta (Founder ICanCare, Director Surgical Oncology Max Vaishali), Dr, Neeta Kumar (Scientist E ICMR), and Mrs. Sonal Bhatia (AC Member Inner Wheel District-310).

Dr. Pawan Gupta focussed on how to handle a person who is consuming tobacco- the conversation that needs to follow with the person engages and guides them towards making him tobacco-free. Emphasis was also on protecting self and family, especially daughters so that they do not end up with a tobacco user in life, getting tormented for their entire life.

Dr. Neeta Kumar engaged the attendees with some much-needed relaxation exercises and practical intervention. Minaxi Agrawal distributed the caps and Badges and motivated the participants as TOBACCO MARSHALS.

The program ended with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. Pravesh, Professor ECE Department, Chairperson, ‘Ek Prayass’ club to all the Dignitaries, Heads, Faculty members and students.

Overall, the Training Program turned out to be really successful under the leadership and guidance of Dr. A. Garg, Director and Dr. Manoj Goel, Joint Director, KIET Group of Institutions, Delhi NCR Ghaziabad.
