Leverage Edu Report: More Indian Students Keen to Study Abroad in 2021 in Search of Better Healthcare

Leverage Edu Report| best education magazine

According to a survey performed by Leverage Edu, a global consultancy platform, 94% more Indian students want to study abroad this year than the previous year. One of the most common reasons given by students for wanting to study abroad is the availability of better healthcare.

Approximately 71% of students say that foreign countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada have superior access to early vaccines, healthcare facilities, and air quality.

The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia are the only countries available. This year, however, fewer students have chosen to study in the United States. According to the poll, 75% of students want to study in the United Kingdom, while 13% and 9% choose to study in Canada and the United States, respectively.

According to the study, 28% of students shifted their study destination from another country to the UK, while 59% of students did not change their study destination this year.

Management or business courses remained the most popular discipline among undergraduates, with 35% of students choosing these disciplines. Engineering is a close second place with 18%, and data science and analytics is the favourite job choice for 9% of students this year.
