Leveraging Tech to help all children can read and do math

Leveraging Tech

An International Telecommunication Union and UNICEF’s report shows that world’s two-third or 1.3 billion school-age children in between 3-17 years old cannot access resources for online learning due to no internet connection and/or no electronic devices at home. This is due to widening digital divide post pandemic closure of schools. These resources are vital as 617 million school going children are unable to use their full potential when it comes to reading ability and achieving proficiency level in math.

Onebillion, a London based non-profit organization with its award winning localized onecourse software, is on a mission to make sure that they can help one billion marginalized school-age children become proficient in math and confident in reading their own language. They are doing this with the help of Cisco’s non-profit cash and grant initiative.
