MIT School of Engineering: A Unique Combination of Theory, Practical and Life Skills

MIT School of Engineering
MIT School of Engineering

Engineering is not just about applied science, but it is about solving real-world problems and by doing so engineers create a better future for all of us. They apply the skills in day-to-day life besides their challenging professional careers. Hence, grooming future engineers to face the challenges of complex natures while applying practical knowledge, is the most responsible task.

One of the top engineering institutes that is shouldering this responsibility efficiently and producing world-class engineers is the MIT School of Engineering. The curriculum includes not just Industry 4.0 (engineering with emphasis on innovation, problem solving and project-based learning) but also Education 4.0 (creativity, communication, collaboration and life skills). Excellent placement facilities, sports facility and clubs for personality development are among many of the facilities that set the institute apart and makes it the choicest destination for engineering aspirants.

About the Reputed Institute

School of Engineering is the eighth engineering institution established under the umbrella of MAEERS’MIT Group of Institutions in the year 2017. MAEER’s MIT Group of Institutions is pioneer in privatisation of engineering and various other streams of education in Maharashtra, under the leadership of Father-Founder Dr. Vishwanath Karad. Under this banner more than 32,000 plus students are pursuing engineering education in all over India.  School of Engineering was established by President, MIT ADT University Dr. Mangesh T. Karad under the able leadership of Dr. Sunita M. Karad.  She is from the core engineering background with more than 20 to 25 years of experience.

Understanding the need of core specialized area, this institution has been established in the conventional engineering areas as well as highly in super-specialized cutting-edge technology areas like cloud computing, Devops Architecture, cyber security, blockchain technology, data science and the analytics, Mechatronics, hybrid vehicles, aerospace and aeronautical engineering, embedded systems and VLSI design, communication engineering and many more specializations at UG /PG/ PhD level.


To establish Centre of Excellence in the Micro-specialized areas, in cutting-edge technology trends. Futures leaders of India will be skilled in the domain knowledge with highly proficient skills, which will serve 21st century industry needs. More and more academicians, educators and researchers will be groomed to fulfil the socio-economic needs of the nation.


Organizing this delivery in the Vision and commitment to the fullest level of satisfaction is the mission imbibed among every stakeholder. Considering that innovation is the key to the success, talent is nurtured to fullest level of satisfaction by organizing special boot camps, training on Idea Formulation, Rapid Prototyping Workshop, Business Plan implementation, financial aid and the necessary Support and Establishment of Start-up, Networking through the AIC centre.

This holistic approach towards education, imbibe value-based education, for the wellbeing of the society and talent is nurtured for the socio-economic needs of the society. Various CSR activities are organized to bring the necessary social skill transformation among the students.

Academic Programs

The institute offers various programs that include both traditional and modern engineering programs. These include super specialization in Robotics and Automation Engineering, Electric vehicles, Transportation engineering, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Cyber Security, Cloud Computing, Big data and Data Analytics, Communication Engineering, Embedded System and VLSI design, Mobile Computing, Aerospace Engineering, Design Engineering, CAD-CAM Engineering, Block Chain technology, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Intelligent systems, Communication and Signal processing, Network and  Cyber security, High Performance computing, Image processing, Solar Energy, Concrete Technology, Bio Science Engineering, Bio-Environmental Engineering, Food Processing Technology, Construction Management, Transportation Engineering, Structural Engineering, etc. Latest cutting-edge technology trends are taught and faculties from super-specialised areas offer them the domain knowledge with expertise.


The institute boasts of modern infrastructure that is separate for engineering and management faculty, spread over 3.5 lakh square feet area with the full amenities spread on 40 acres of land. This wing of engineering includes more than 70 laboratories. In association with IEEE Agri Engineering laboratory, AIC centre is established on 20,000 sq. ft.

Combination of vigorous academic activities including the value-added programs, like communication enhancement lessons are based on the creative writing, content development, blog writing lessons along with the ADT Talk which brings social platforms to the students to express their views. Mandatory training for one foreign language as well as more than 30 hours corporate grooming sessions mould the student’s personality. Special departments like Centre for Research and Innovation for Young Aspirant, School of Holistic Education and the Atal innovation Centre grooms students for more than 20 credits during the entire journey of the program to which he/she is admitted. This holistic approach of education brings necessary change in them for the campus to corporate transformation.

Visionary Leader

Dr Sunita Karad has nurtured the vision of the School of Engineering. She brought in curriculum designing as per the industry requirement, is responsible for organizing training sessions in the domain of excellence, mandatory internships, development of domain expertise, industry collaboration and appointing the various expertise from the industry on the Advisory Board. She has encouraged participation in various hackathons, seminars, workshops, value-added programs, techno cultural fest, research conclave, industry visits, establishment of laboratories in association with the industry, Atal Incubation Centre etc.

Braving Challenges Then and Now

Availability of meagre resources, less infrastructure, faculty absorption, time limit and making resources available in time were the challenges that the institution faced during its inception. The campus was 25 Km away from the city and that was the real challenge to absorb right talent for faculty. Nonavailability of good transportation facility, developing infrastructure to the fullest level to absorb more than 3500 + students in one-and-half years’ time were the other major challenges.

The challenges also included establishment of all the laboratories, procurement of equipment, entrepreneur’s resource planning for the administrative procedure, exam management, availability of virtual lab sessions to all during the pandemic situation. Digital library facility, community development, availability of strong LMS and video proctored examination, onscreen evaluation, streamlining the admission process were big challenges. But since the School of Engineering had all these things in place before the pandemic, there were no critical issues. However, the students at remote places are having the connectivity issue and hence related issues for conducting examination is a challenge. Lot of students are not having laptops, so they are attending the classes on their mobile phones.

Today the main challenges the institute is facing are – to train the manpower in skill domain, value-added certification, corporate grooming sessions and providing the right talent to the fullest level of satisfaction as per the demands of the industry.

Achievements, Accreditations, Awards

Since the establishment of the institution in the year 2017, the institute is prepared for the UGC, NBA and NACC Accreditations ranking. It has installed more than 3.25 lakh sq. feet infrastructure as per the norms.

  • It received various awards like – University has received the Best Campus Award in the year 2017 by ASSOCHAM.
  • Ranked Top Private State University in Engineering Category.
  • Ranked 26 by ARIIA ranking by Institutions Innovation Achievement 2020.
  • Received 5 Star Rating by the Institutions Innovation Council.

Adapting to Trends

With the pandemic and the constant evolution of the Ed-Tech sector, the institute has adapted to the latest trends to cater to the academic needs of the students. Training on the LMS, continuous delivery of lectures though the link and uploading them on the platform, sharing resources like notes, presentations, uploading the e-books, conducting quizzes, case study discussion, assignments, multiple choice questionary for every session, submission of lesson plan, session plan, video-virtual labs, sharing the software on the cloud, conducting online software training, has become the part of day-to-day life for the institute.

Looking Ahead

The objective of the institute is to establish itself as a world-renowned technology hub, attract the right talent and groom them to the fullest level of satisfaction; development of research culture, industry project on the board and real time work experience through the mandatory internship, Startup and Innovation Culture with the innovative projects in future is the journey the institute is looking forward to.
