Mohammad Modassir Mushtaque: Nurturing Students with Effective Learning Methods

Mohammad Modassir Mushtaque
Mohammad Modassir Mushtaque

We are all surrounded by various people who assist us in our daily lives. However, some people offer us support right since childhood. They are referred to as teachers. Morality and healthy behaviors are taught to us by our teachers. Because of them, the world is what it is today. When we are sick, we seek medical assistance. But, if a student intends to strengthen their knowledge in academics, they will definitely consult a teacher. Teachers dispel our doubts and assist us in reaching the summit of achievement.

But who supports teacher to carry out all the required activities with such passion? Developing a unified vision for all students’ progress and achievement is an important part of school leadership. This is where the principal’s involvement is most important. There are many successful principals working for the improvement of students, who ensure that their schools allow both teachers and children to put learning at the center of their daily activities. One of the prominent names in this list is Mohammad Modassir Mushtaque.

In an interview with The Knowledge Review, Mohammad shares his journey into the teaching career, his experiences, and the future of education sector. Below are the highlights of the interview:

Please tell us about your journey throughout the education sector right from the beginning of your career.

I started my teaching career in the year 2015 and it was purely by-choice and not ‘by chance’. I was working in a corporate sector. At a certain point of time, I ended with frustrations, and it was very often. I discussed with my parents and my younger brother. They suggested me to quit this sector and look for some other options. And without any goal or objective, I landed in Aligarh. I applied for the post of English educator in a primary school following ICSE Curriculum.

The school and the management provided me all the support and allowed me to apply any kind of teaching method. I learned the art of teaching in this school. After around 2 years, I moved to another school, as a PGT English teacher, and this school was affiliated to CBSE Delhi. This school gave me a different experience. I had to teach them English curriculum and at the same time make them understand the importance of English as a means of communication. Students came from poor financial background and totally different environment.

It was a challenging task to emotionally connect with them in order to get best of them, it took 1-2 months and most of the students from Classes 9-12 were emotionally attached with me. It helped me a lot to get the best out of them. I took study break and completed Bachelor of Education and then I took up a new task. I joined in a school as Academic Director. During COVID-19 pandemic, I took over the charge of Principal in a school which was run by NGO where students belonged to deprived section of the society.

What inspired you to step into the education industry? Who were your role models growing up?

While teaching, I realised the love and respect which came from students and parents were unbelievable. This motivated me to stay in this profession and to fulfil the minimum criteria required in this profession, I enrolled myself for B.Ed. I always wanted to be a cricketer, so cricketers were my role models.

What are the priorities of your institute in terms of course objectives and learning outcomes?

When we talk about priorities in terms of course objectives and learning outcomes, we are very much focussing on the topics which are important and also at the end of the year, we are more concerned about the learning outcomes. A parameter is set by the end of that particular year so that a child should have knowledge of the course objectives set.

Kindly share your views regarding interactive, online educational content and how it is redefining the ways we learn.

As we all know, the development and growth of science and technology has created a healthy competitive environment, there was a question why the education space is lagging. COVID-19 pandemic tested the adapting capacity of education field, and we the members of education fraternity, can boast and feel proud that we accepted the challenges which came our way. Online teaching was to be introduced very soon and we had to switch the gear. This happened too early, but I must say that was the future. Learning has reached a new level and online educational content is quite interactive and based on holistic development of the child. I feel it has taken the education to new heights.

What are the biggest challenges and struggles faced by a principal, and educators in general?

As principals, we do have challenges and they are totally dependent on the kind of students and the locality where it is situated. I faced many challenges especially during the pandemic period. Most of the parents were ready to withdraw their sons from school and send them to earn bread and butter for the family. They get their daughters married as early as possible. Counselling the parents and convincing them is still a major challenge. Apart from drop out issues, there were few other challenges. Parents would come and fight with teachers for petty issues.

Education is considered a tool of empowerment. What efforts do you and the institution take to make sure that education is provided to those who need it?

Obviously, education is a tool of empowerment, and we are doing door-to-door campaign to create awareness among the parents. We also make them understand and realise that education is the only gateway by which they can enter into the better world. Financial aid is provided apart from 100% free education to students, whose parents wish to withdraw their wards for acquiring some skills. Free ration kits are distributed to keep their stomach full. Free Course Books and mid-day meal are also provided to the students.

Kindly mention any of your awards, accolades, and accreditations.

I was awarded ‘Teacher Enthusiast Award’ by GURUSHALA and ‘Awesome Teacher’ by OSWAAL BOOKS.

What advice would you give to the young generation who aspire to venture into the education field? What lies ahead for you and your institution in the near future?

Join this profession not by chance but by choice. Joining by chance would not help the cause. I am looking forward to seeing at least 100 students every year being expert in English Communication. I am organising English Communication Classes for them.
