SBRM Govt. PG College: The Ongoing Legacy of Academic Excellence

SBRM Govt. PG College
SBRM Govt. PG College

The scholastic achievements of Shri B. R. Mirdha Govt. College (SBRM Govt. College) are symbols of its conviction to promote the highest quality of academic, ethical, and social values within its students. The college has a rich heritage of academic learning, which is further enhanced by dedication of students, who are working hard to keep pace with the rapidly changing academic scenario.

As one of pioneer colleges in the region, the Shri Baldev Ram Mirdha Govt. College is committed:

  • To empower the students for their individual betterment
  • To understand the involutions and challenges of today’s life and transform them into fortunes.
  • To set yardsticks for others.
  • To characterize and realize the changes they seek to bring in the world.

Upholding the gracious and esteemed traditions laid down by the forefathers, the institution is committed towards the academic brilliance.

The college was established on August 8, 1969. It was initially named as Government College, Nagaur. The college was later renamed on January 28, 1986, by the state government in the remembrance of renowned regional farmer-leader, Shri Baldev Ram Mirdha, who fought against the exploitation of farmer by the contemporary rulers.

The SBRM Govt. College is affiliated to Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer. It is recognized by the UGC under 2(f) and 12B and has 16 academic departments running different.

The Inspiring Leader

Dr Raaz K. Maheshwari has done his PhD from ICAR’s -NDRI Karnal, Haryana, and is a former professor at SBRM Govt PG College, Nagaur, Rajasthan. He has been designated as Head of the Department, Chemistry at MIER Lakshmangarh and SBDT PG College, Lakshmangarh, Sikar, Rajasthan. He has also served as QCO at Road Masters’ Foods Limited, Kotkapura, Punjab.

Dr Maheshwari is the recipient of CES, awarded by IGNOU, New Delhi. He has guided 5 MPhil scholars and 328 Inspire Scholarship projects DST at UG and PG levels, New Delhi. Dr Maheshwari is associated to various journals, magazines, newsletters, bulletins of international repute at various position in editorial boards. Recently, he became editorial board member of Swedish Scientific Publications (Sweden). He is a fellow member of Eco-Ethics International Union (Germany), International Society for Fluoride Research, Inc. (New

Zealand), Society of Education (Agra), Academy of Environment & Life Sciences (Agra), Society for Advancement for Sciences (Lucknow).

Additionally, he is life member of renowned societies of India and abroad specially Association of Chemistry Teachers, TIFR (Mumbai), Indian Association of Academicians & Researchers (Assam), Intellectual Society for Socio-Techno Welfare (Ghaziabad), The National Academy of Sciences, Indo-Global Research Library, Research Scholars Hub, Pharma Research Library, Indian water Works Association, Tyagi Pharma Association, Green Chemistry Network Centre, DU, New Delhi.

Dr Maheshwari has presented 56 research papers in various conferences and seminars at national and international level. He has published more than 600 record titles in different journals, magazines, newsletters, and books. Dr Maheshwari is serving as reviewer board member in journals of national and international repute. He has edited 16 books published from renowned publishing agencies.

His academic realm and research arena concern green chemistry, hydrochemistry, toxicology, and natural products. Dr Maheshwari possesses expertise in UV lamp attached (RO) reverse osmosis water purification systems and keen interest in natural products, Eco-Park development having included ornamental and medicinal plants of exotic origin.

Dr Maheshwari has been honoured as advisory board member of various conferences/seminars, symposium, congress and workshops and has been appointed as resource person too. He has been conferred ‘Scientist of the Year’ award 2016 by NESA on 19/11/2016 at Panjab University, Punjab.

In recognition of identifying, exploring and promoting novel methodologies and practices in his domain of specialization, Dr Maheshwari has been conferred:

  • ‘Creative and Innovative Social Worker Practice of 2020’ award by DHS Foundation, New Delhi on 12/07/2020, in collaboration with Campbell University, North Carolina, USA.
  • ‘Distinguished Scientist’ award by VD Good Professional Association during International Scientists Awards on Engineering, Science, and Medicine on 26-27/09/2020.
  • ‘Environmental Protection Research’ award by Academy of Environment & Life Sciences, supported by DBT, GOI at Agra, during a National Conference on Recent Trends and Frontiers in Biotechnology, Agriculture, Science and Environment on 22-23/12/ 2019 for his outstanding contribution and service in the field of Environmental Chemistry.

For extraordinary teaching acumen, unstoppable educator’s spirit, remarkable professional skills & contribution in the field of education, Dr Raaz K. Maheshawri has been recognized for ‘Global Faculty Award 2020’ on 04/04/ 2021 by AKS Educational Awards. Eligibility considered for Indian Achievers’ Award titled “Shiksha Bharati Award” 2020-2021 conferred by CSRF (Corporate Social Responsibility Forum), Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India.

The Inspiring Infrastructure

SBRM Govt. College offers standardize infrastructure, highly qualified and dedicated faculties, and excellent environment for academic and intellectual growth. The college focuses on comprehensive growth of the students, working on their hearts and minds by addressing to their academic, cultural, physical, and social needs in an environment of continuous interaction and growth, conducive for the enrichment of mind and body through NSS, YDC, Rover Scouting, NCC, and Career Counselling Committee etc.

The Educators who Care

The faculty is fully committed to impart quality education by investing all its skills and knowledge. The college endeavours not only to produce excellent academic results but also to produce excellent and successful professionals.

Special emphasis is laid on communication skills and personality development. For this, various activities are conducted by the Youth Development Centre (YDC). The uniqueness of the college’s curriculum and various programmes, lies in promoting a strong passion in the students – for all round excellence with perfection; for meeting the challenges head on with due emphasis on ethical and moral values through broad – based management skills. The entity produces knowledgeable young citizens capable of creating a better and prosperous India through inter-cultural understanding and respect.

“The college has a rich heritage of academic learning, which is further enhanced by dedication of students, who are working hard to keep pace with the rapidly changing academic scenario.”
