Shobhit University: Centre for Agricultural Informatics and e-Governance Research Studies

The institute promotes learning in Indian tradition with international outlook. The University distinguishes itself as a diverse, socially responsible learning community of high quality scholarship and academic rigor, sustained by Indian ethics & values. The University draws from the cultural, intellectual and economic resources of the nation to enrich and strengthen its educational programmes.

Acknowledging the mission of the University to create the quality human resource in the niche and emerging areas, the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resources Development, vide its Notification No. F-9-37/2004-U.3(A) dated 8 November, 2006 under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act granted “Deemed-to-be University” status to Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut (popularly known as Shobhit University Meerut).

The Shobhit University has established “Agricultural Informatics Research, Development and Education recently which is an e-Governance Paradigm in Farming Sector” Programme, for competency development in Agricultural Sciences Graduates, who pass out annually, about 25,000 in numbers in the Country, facilitating them to apply ICT for infusion and diffusion in the farming sector for productivity increase and employment generation in the Indian agricultural sector.

Agricultural Informatics—A Synergistic Discipline

Agricultural Informatics is the Science of agricultural Information and Engineering of Agricultural Information Systems and agricultural Information Processing. India needs about 100,000 Agricultural informatics professionals to facilitate “Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022” (DFI-2022). The DFI-2022 Committee Report (2018) of the Government of India, endorses the need for “Agricultural Informatics” and “Digitalization of Agricultural systems of India”.

Both farmer and farm generate a lot of data from their farm management practices but these data are not systematically captured for subsequent analysis and interpretation using Informatics, for strengthening Agriculture Value Chain. Digitalization of farming system is the step towards achieving sustainable agricultural productivity and minimizing Farmers’ Distress.  In order to boost Farmer’s Income in a sustainable manner, India requires Strategic use of ICT & e-Governance in Farming System Life Cycle. Agricultural Informatics has thus emerged out as the potential and impactful discipline in the Country.

The University has constituted an Advisory Committee with eminent and distinguished Scientists, Technocrats and Professionals, to guide Agricultural Informatics Programmes. The Shobhit University has initiated this programme through a National Level Brain Storming Session and Workshop way back in 2010 with the theme: Agri-Informatics in Emerging Educational System: Modes, Methods and Relevance”. The CAIRS of the University is the first of its kind in India, to promote Genomics, Robotics, Informatics and Nanotechnology for agricultural productivity and farmer’s income rise.

CAIRS, first-of-its-kind in India, has its mission to generate human resources with the right skills, knowledge, aptitude, entrepreneurial, and leadership qualities for effective design and implementation of ICT enabled agricultural production, supply-chain, value-chain and extension services. These services cater to the needs of Agricultural sector stakeholders (farmers, industry, research, extension and scientific organizations, etc.) in global era, through the emerging field of Agricultural Informatics, e-Governance, AgriBusiness Management and Language Computing.

Student Life at CAIRS

Ensuring the overall development of students, the university provides all facilities for sports and recreation. Such facilities improve the quality of life on campus for the entire community; strengthen ties between and among students, faculty and staff; provide opportunities for participation in sport clubs, recreational fitness and wellness programs and informal recreation; help reduce the stress experienced by those who live, work and study in the university and improve the health and well-being of the campus community.

The University is having an indoor stadium with facilities like squash court, fitness centre cum gymnasium, TT room, and Badminton Courts.

For outdoor game lovers facilities like Basketball court, football ground, cricket pitch, throw ball and handball courts are available. Students are also encouraged to join morning yoga sessions. Every year a sports week is celebrated where students from other institutes are also invited to compete with University students. All indoor facilities are provided on Babu Vijendra Indoor Stadium Block.

The Leading Light

Kunwar Shekhar Vijendra is the Co-Founder and Chancellor of Shobhit University. A famous social entrepreneur Kumar Vijendra is a persistent advocate of the initiatives for education for the poor, secular values, crisis management through diplomatic and peaceful ways, and globalized systems of learning and peaceful co-existence.

Acknowledging his contribution to society in the areas of education and other concerns he has been copiously honored and awarded. Recently ASSOCHAM endorsed him with “Lifetime Achievement Award 2018”.

Kunwar Vijendra is a passionate Gandhian, an avid reader, keen learner, social speaker, occasional poet and a dreamer.
