SISTec Organises Expert Training Programme on Engine Mechatronics

SISTec-GN-Engine Mechatronics
SISTec-GN-Engine Mechatronics

Bhopal, February 8, 2019: Sagar Institute of Science, Technology & Research (SISTec), Gandhi Nagar, Department of Mechanical Engineering organized an expert training programme on ‘Strategy based diagnosis to repair Engine Mechatronics’. The two day expert training programme is sponsored by RGPV under the TEQIP-II and will witness presence of eminent speakers from IIT’s and NIT’s, experts with hands on experience, professionals from industry and will conclude on February 9, 2019. The training witnessed presence of 300+ students and faculties from various colleges of state. The eminent expert for training programme was Mr Vinay Piparsania, Founder and Principal, Millenstrat Advisory & Research, Ex. President, Ford India with Dr. Sunil Kumar Gupta, Vice-Chancellor, RGPV as Chief Guest for the programme. Inaugurating the programme, Dr. Gupta said, “I am delighted to be a part of such novel and creative training programs conducted by SISTec. I congratulate SISTec for organizing such specific skill oriented training programmes for budding technocrats.”

Mr Vinay Piparsania enlightened the students and gathering with the latest updates and diagnostics on engine mechatronic design and approach for engine management systems. He also shared the insights and trends prevailing in Mechtronics and connects to various engineering branches to create difficult products easily with utilization of resources. Addressing the training, Mr Piparsania said that, “I appreciate the University and SISTec for considering a workshop on Engine Mechatronics. Engine Mechatronics is an emerging field in the automotive industry and its areas are vast. It’s about how keen you are to remain competitive with process and developing products for future.”

Dr. Keshavendra Choudhary, Principal SISTec, Shri B. S Kushwah, Prof. Ravishanker V. Choudri, HOD of Mechanical Engineering Department welcomed the guest dignitaries and participants for the training programme. Shri Siddharth Sudhir Agrawal, Managing Director, Sagar Group, said that, “Our training programmes are aimed at skiil enhancement with knowledge sharing. We will continue will our efforts to provide quality education training programmes.”

The second day of the workshop will witness presence of Dr. I. A. Plani, Associate Professor, I.I.T. Indore to sharing his experiences and knowledge during the training.

