SISTec Ratibad Annual Techno-Cultural Fest Sagar Euphoria & Shine 2k19 Begins

SISTec Ratibad Techno
SISTec Ratibad Techno

Bhopal, March 18, 2019: Sagar Institute of Science and Technology, Ratibad (SISTec-R) began its two day Annual Techno-Cultural Fest – Sagar Euphoria & Shine 2k19 with great passion and excitement. Sagar Euphoria & Shine 2k18 began by seeking blessings of ‘Goddess Saraswati’ and lighting of ceremonial lamp by Shri Sudhir Kumar Agrawal – Chairman Sagar Group, Ms Shubhi Agrawal – Director Sagar Group, Dr Jaishree Kanwar – Director Sagar Public School, Dr Jyoti Deshmukh – Principal SISTec Ratibad, Head of Departments, faculty members, staff and over 400+ students from over 15 colleges were present on the occasion.

The two day multihued and extravagant fest marked the cheerfulness on the theme of ‘The Universe.’ Impeccable concepts and ideas by technocrat’s generated positive vibes with Rangoli creations created a world of human emotions to spread the social message of Salutation to Indian Army, Save Water etc. At the centre stage of celebrations hall, Feria carnival displayed departmental technical skills of technocrats in form presentation of various models offering real time solutions. Other spectacular attractions of the fest were LAN Gaming in which students participated with a mission in a closed and complex environment to complete a challenge and task; Participation of robots in Inter College robot competition – Roborace excited everyone present at the badminton court; Foodathaon – an eating competition attracted young technocrats to participate in a challenge with fun whereas Step-Up focused on inter college dance competition. The evening at SISTec Ratibad became special and enthralled in Performances when technocrats showcased their talent in rock band performances.

The second day of Techno-Cultural Fest will witness branch specific cultural events of Water Jet Rocket, Treasure Hunt, Branch Master, Paheli, Mime, Band Baaja Barat, The Wow Factor (Fashion Show) and Student of the year contests followed by prize distribution ceremony to winning teams.

Suyash Sachan, Student of IIIrd Year Electrical Engineering said that, “Annual fests provide us the opportunity to showcase our talent and creativity. I am contented to receive the facilities which SISTec provides us to solve the real life issues for our overall development. At the moment am enjoying the vibes and energy in Celebrations. Every moment spent here is to be treasured.”

Monika Verma, Student of CSE Final Year student said that, “The vibe, the energy, songs, everything just came together. I am in a state of trance and want to treasure moments of lifetime.”

Shri Siddharth Sudhir Agrawal, Managing Director, Sagar Group, said that “We embed various cultures in SISTec Techno Cultural Fests to create and compete in social environment. We will continue with our efforts to provide our students a platform full of great opportunities.”
