South Bengal education campuses to stay shut for week to beat heat


The Bengal government on Sunday instructed all schools, colleges and universities across the state, except those in Darjeeling and Kalimpong, to remain shut for a week from Monday in view of the heatwave-like conditions prevailing across south Bengal.

No School for Bengal School

The Bengal government ordered all schools, colleges, and universities in the state, with the exception of Darjeeling and Kalimpong, to close for a week beginning Monday due to the heatwave-like conditions prevailing in south Bengal.

The two back-to-back notifications sent out by the departments of school education and higher education made it clear that it was intended for all educational institutions. The notice mentioned “autonomous, central government-aided, sponsored, and private schools” in addition to state-run schools, and “autonomous, central government-aided, private, and all affiliated colleges in Bengal” in addition to state-run universities and colleges. All employees would be eligible for the leave as well.

Because of this, and also because the Meteorological Department has issued a heat advisory, the Bengal government has decided that all government and private schools, colleges, and universities would be closed next week.

Banerjee stated that she “urged” private schools to implement her decision, stating that she had observed several private schools failing to follow such instructions in the past. “However, a large number of students attend CBSE and CISCE-affiliated schools,” she explained.

Following the state government warnings, private schools in the city did one of three things: declared a week’s closure, switched to online classes, or stated that they will make a final decision on Monday.

Among those that will stay closed from Monday are Mahadevi Birla World Academy, South Point, The BSS School, the Loreto schools, Modern High School and Rammohan Mission.
