Strategies to Build better Teacher–Student Relationships

Strategies to Build better Teacher–Student Relationships

For the smooth functioning of a classroom, it is very important that the teachers and students nurture a strong bond among themselves. It is not only important for better educational outcomes, but also for their personality development. By better communication, they can understand each other well. As a result, teachers will be able to properly understand each student’s strengths and weaknesses and take necessary steps for their overall development.

Developing a Meaningful Relationship is Essential

Teachers should realize that establishing strong relationships with all students requires specific and focused plans and actions. Additionally, when a new student enters the classroom, they take some time to adapt to the new class environment and make new friends. Many of them expect the worst from the new environment and have a tough time adjusting with their classmates and teachers. For such students, a strong relationship with a teacher is a game changer. It will help them to open up in front of the teacher, share their positive and negative experiences in the classroom, clarify their doubts about various subjects, and consult the teacher in case of any problem they are facing in the school.

Creating a Bond with the Learners

The key to successful classroom sessions is maintaining proper communication. Teachers should not only act as educators but as friends, whom the students can reach out anytime. They should make students feel comfortable and ensure that they do not face any problem on the school premises. The below-mentioned practices can enhance the student–teacher relationships within and beyond the classroom:

Knowing the Students and Accepting them Wholeheartedly

The foremost step towards developing better relationships with the students is to know them well. From day one, teachers should take steps and carry out activities which would allow the students to express themselves more. They should study the personality of each student closely and figure out which teaching procedure is best suited for them. Gathering information about the habits, family background, likes, and dislikes of the students will assist teachers to pay special attention to each student. It will assist them in knowing whom they are teaching and how to help them to explore their potential. Students may have their flaws and problems, but teachers should assess them carefully and come up with solutions to rectify the same.

Setting High Expectations is of Utmost Importance

Every educator has the ability to shape a student’s perspective of themselves. When teachers tell them that they are good at something, it boosts their confidence and encourages them to achieve higher goals in the future. On the other hand, students earning poor grades in exams develop a

negative opinion about themselves. They feel that they are not smart or capable enough to excel in studies. In such situations, teachers should help them to recognize their efforts and proceed towards improving their performance. Instead of discouraging students with poor grades, teachers should boost their morale by saying, ‘you have not mastered it yet, but together we will soon achieve the goal’.

Teachers should realize that each student has different potential and thus, treat them accordingly. One cannot expect the same result from every student. Some may understand the topics taught on day one itself, while others may take some additional time to grasp the same. Teaching in multiple ways can be useful as it suits different kinds of students and their strengths are highlighted while providing the scope to explore innovative procedures.

Practicing Empathy while Engaging all Learners

It is of utmost importance to create a classroom environment, where students feel safe, care, and support each other. Teachers should give students the opportunity to voice their opinions, recognize, and celebrate their differences. Focusing on shared values and common interests is also necessary.

Maintaining a Positive and Energetic Environment

A passionate approach towards the class can help a teacher to transform the session into an unforgettable experience. Constantly engaging the students and teaching with enthusiasm and dedication will spark engagement and students’ interest. Teachers can set a positive tone of the class by greeting students with a personalized non-academic question. They can praise students when they perform well in exams or other class activities. This will encourage them to perform better and accomplish more in the days to come.

It is Necessary to Build Trust

Regular communication will strengthen the understanding between the teachers and students. Sharing each other’s experiences, fears, and ambitions will help them to open up for better outcomes. It will also provide scope to share interactive and fun moments, which they can cherish. As a result of such interactions, students would not have any inhibitions and will freely communicate with the teachers regarding all academic and non-academic queries.

Building better relationships is an intentional act and for better results, students and teachers have to work together. Teachers need to be open and honest with the students, sharing information with them wholeheartedly. Building trust will improve cooperation among them and pave the path towards achieving academic excellence.

– Ananda Kamal Das
