Swiss School in Singapore introduces French Stream

Swiss School in Singapore
Swiss School in Singapore

The Swiss School in Singapore is proud to announce that a French Stream will be launched in the new academic year in August 2019/20.

As part of realising our commitment to providing a high-quality Swiss education to Swiss and European citizens abroad, this French Stream further broadens our reach to the French-speaking community here in Singapore. We will be one of the only two official Swiss Schools Aboard to offer both German and French streams.

Our Swiss French teacher, Ms Murielle Quenzer, will start with us in summer this year. She has worked abroad in Argentina, Colombia and Hong Kong, and brings with her a wealth of experience. We are confident that she will see our French Stream to fruition. Our successful experience in mixed age learning will also be implemented in the French stream as well. We will start in August 2019 with a Primary 1/2 class, and adding on a Primary 3/4 class in 2020. Our implementation should be completed by 2021.

Swiss School in Singapore will continue to strengthen our existing offering in the German section as we embark on the French section.

About the Swiss School in Singapore (SSiS)

We are a small, intimate school located in a tropical environment, far away from busy streets and urban influences – a small learning oasis waiting to be explored by children. We offer sufficient space for playing and sports while preparing children for life with the highest academic standards.

The Swiss School educates children from the age of two up to Grade 6. Grade 7, 8, and 9 are further educated at our Partner School, the United World College South East Asia, with a special Swiss Stream to adhere to the German and French language requirements and Swiss Education System.

The Swiss School in Singapore is officially recognized as one of the Swiss Government Approved Schools.

Our History

The Swiss School was founded on 2 May 1967 by Marie-Therese und Werner Kaufmann- Sialm and started with 18 children in kindergarten and 10 students in the primary classes.

Slowly and steadily the Swiss School has grown to a campus with three classroom blocks and a Multi-Purpose Hall, and is running an Early Childhood Department and a Primary Department with more than 280 students. The ratio of Swiss to non-Swiss students is 60:40.

