Tamil Selvan. S: A Devoted and Passionate Personality Enhancing Life

Tamil Selvan | Kite Braining Institute
Tamil Selvan. S | Managing Director | Kite Braining Institute

Our brain is a mysterious thing. As time has progressed, individuals have formed a keen interest in scientific knowledge on how the brain functions and how thought processes evolve. The interest is especially strong in the neuro-development of infants, children, students, and the effects on learning. It goes without saying that this contact, if understood correctly, can be of much significance in building lifelong learners and leaders of tomorrow.

Likewise, we present you with an exceptional personality who understands such things around the brain and its training. We would like you to meet Mr. Tamil Selvan. S, a Master Memory Trainer and the Managing Director of Kite Braining Institute. Throughout the interview, you will see how he set his course for brain memory understanding, and set up the memory training institute. He also describes the importance of brain training in school’s curriculum and how he is helping tens of thousands of students to reach the zenith of success by training their memory.

Below are the excerpts of the interview:

Please introduce yourself and your journey as a Master Memory Trainer and the Managing Director of Kite Braining Institute, to our readers, and also tell us what inspired you to pursue this career path?

Hello readers, Thanks in advance. I am Tamil Selvan, a lifelong learner, basically, a mechanical engineer turned in to a memory coach. My native place is Arasangudy, a small village in Trichy district.

Since childhood days, I love reading books, especially about our human mind-brain power, power of thoughts, and human intelligence. I have learned many techniques from various memory/mind experts and their books. Those techniques helped me a lot with my professional and personal growth.

I am always passionate about helping others. I believe that personal coaching is the best way to help others. In the past one and half-decade, I have helped more than 10,000 students, teachers, professionals, and entrepreneurs to train their brain memory.

About my educational qualification and experience, I have completed my master’s in industrial safety engineering, MBA in project management, authorized career consultant, and NLP trainer. Having seven years of industrial experience and five years of academic experience, I have worked as a teaching faculty in Anna university Trichy.

Tell us more about Braining Institute and how you have helped people through memory training.

Kite Braining Institute belongs to a group of like-minded people from various disciplines like social workers, doctors, psychologists, career consultants, entrepreneurs, and special trainers.

We know our education system is based on Memory. Memory is the key to students’ success. From my point of view, there is no good memory or bad memory, only trained memory and untrained memory. Trained memory can learn anything quickly, improves imagination and creativity.

I observed most of the students struggling to learn and retain their subjects’ content. It leads to heavy depression, stress and confusions.it affects their mental health. Through our systematic memory training program, we improve children’s’ memory power and concentration power. It results in their ability to recall and retain the subjects improved multiple times. It eliminates their stresses, exam fear, and confusion.

Memory training helps professionals to improve their working efficiency. It helps entrepreneurs to enhance their productivity and profitability. Memory training is intended to improve a person’s working memory. Working memory is a central intellectual faculty, linked to IQ, aging, and mental health. It has been claimed that working memory training programs are effective means, not only for treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and other cognitive disorders, but to improve intelligence and to enhance cognitive functioning in typically developing children and healthy adults.

Do you believe Memory training should be a part of the learning curriculum? Why?

Yes absolutely. Memory training must be a part of the learning curriculum. Every educational institution works hard to give better results. The major reasons behind the failures of students are poor memory, lack of concentration, and lack of interest. Even though students spend long hours and huge money in schools and coaching classes, they fail miserably in the exams.

Any competitive exam like NEET, JEE, UPSC | RRB, they have to remember lengthy contents. Our memory training program helps students retain the whole contents of their curriculum and saves their study time and parents’ hard-earned money up to 70%. It ensures their chance of cracking the exam in the first attempt. Moreover, they never forget the subjects’ content for the rest of their life. Memory training is a onetime course that gives lifelong benefits.

What is your opinion on the necessity for skill development within the upcoming generation to be in line with the industry requirements?

In my view, skill is more important than knowledge. Upcoming generations must focus on their skill development. Modern industries demand specialists from various domains. So, you have to identify your niche based on your interest and work hard to be a master in your chosen field.

We strongly believe everyone is unique. So, identify your inborn talent and develop your necessary skills to achieve your dream career. We always recommend intelligence-based career selection gives the best results.

As an entrepreneur and trainer, what challenges have you faced while building up your organization is the education domain?

In the first couple of years, we faced many challenges to reach the right audience, meet out the expenses, and to choose the right location for the organisation. We have studied and experimented a lot about market analysis and customer behavior to find the right mixture. From the third year slowly, we started to get continuous leads and reached our break-even. Presently Around 80% of my clients we get through reference only. We are proud to share that we have conducted our training program in all leading universities and educational institutions in Tamil Nadu.

What would be your advice to those aspiring to become entrepreneurs and influencers in the education sphere?

  • My suggestion to young eduprenuers is to follow the five rules:
  • Rule 1- Be specific in your niche
  • Rule 2- Work 10000 hours in your specific area
  • Rule 3- Expertise in advanced technology
  • Rule 4- Build a strong network
  • Rule 5- Be a lifelong learner

At this time, I would like to thank BNI. It’s a network organization that helps me to get my dream clients. I suggest entrepreneurs be a part of any networking organization. It will be helpful to achieve your dream goals. Through our memory training, we improve networking skills.

What have you envisioned for yourself and your organization in the near future?

Our vision is to enlighten two Lakh individuals to become trained memory from all walks of life before 31.12.2021 through our online and offline training programs. We aim to create 20 memory athletes every year to participate in the world/national memory championship. Presently, we have branches in Chennai and Pondicherry. We would like to extend our services all over India before 2021. We welcome franchisees and trainers who are passionate in the education and training sector to join hands together for mutual growth. Our mission is to give stress-free learning techniques to future generations.

So far, we have achieved:

  • We have invented memory techniques in the Tamil language
  • One of our student Ms.kundhavi (9yrs old) participated and achieved 113th rank in a national memory championship
  • From our institute, 150+ students cracked GATE, TNPSC, TRB Exams
  • To learn our techniques no age limit, no educational qualification, no prior knowledge required
